47. A Little Tied Up

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James stares at me for a moment, before smirking. "So that you can fight for equal treatment?" He asks me.

I nod. "We could call it freedom coffee, or... maybe something a little less cheesy," I amend, adjusting myself in my seat. "But we could start a whole campaign to end the cruel mistreatment of debtors," I explain.

James thinks about my idea for a few minutes. "I mean, it will probably take a while to set everything up, but I think it's a good idea," he tells me. Then he furrows his brows for a moment, looking a little perplexed.

"I can't say that I've ever heard of a debtor starting a business, but I don't think there are any laws against it, either," he adds.

"So, you'll help me?" I ask him hopefully.

James cups my cheek in his hand. "Oh, my dear sweet Erin," he breathes out, rubbing his thumb along my jawline. "There is nothing else I would rather do than this," he tells me softly, making my heart swell.

I smile at him. "Thank you," I say before deciding to tease him a little. "But really? There's nothing else you would rather do?" I ask, flirtatiously quirking an eyebrow at him.

A sinister smirk cracks across his lips. "Oh, I can show you exactly what I want to do to you right now if you'd like," he replies, wicked intentions glistening in his eyes.

"What would you do to me?" I ask him just to play along.

The smile fades from his lips and he looks at me from across the table, his eyes heavy-lidded with lust. Slowly, he gets up from his seat.

"I would pick you up," he starts, effortlessly scooping me up into his arms, staring down at me. I wrap my arm around his neck for support.

"Then, I would press a soft kiss to your forehead," he suggests as he does so, his lips warm against my skin.

"And then what?" I ask him, my words barely a whisper.

"I would carry you back to my bedroom," James continues, proceeding to do just that. He struggles to open the door while holding me in his arms, but he manages alright, kicking it closed behind us.

"I would lay you down on the bed," he adds, walking over and setting me on top of the ruffled sheets. Then, he climbs into bed after me, straddling my waist. He continues to stare down at me as he lifts my hand to his mouth, pressing a kiss to my palm. A soft breath escapes my lips.

"Then, I would make love to you. Over and over and over again. Until you're so sore you can't walk. Until the morning light breaks through the storm clouds," he says, his voice low and thick, every word dripping with desire.

I moan as I reach my free hand up, running my fingers through his hair. "That sounds wonderful," I whisper in response, dragging my fingers down his neck. As I stare up at him butterflies flutter in my stomach, warmth spreading through my chest all the way to my fingertips. I adore him so much. He is everything I want, and everything I need.

We stare at each other for a moment until I crack a mischievous grin. "What are you waiting for?" I ask him.

James brushes my hair out of my face and then, he proceeds to do just what he said he would. We lose ourselves in each other, whispering sweet things to one another in the stillness of the early morning, and when the light finally does break through, we curl up together and go to sleep.


It's been thundering and raining for five days straight. The city of West Lynfield issued a severe flood warning, so we're unable to leave Harrington Manor. I don't mind one bit. We've passed the time talking over coffee and good food, working out the plans for my coffee shop, having sex.

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