5. We Meet Again

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My heart starts to pound really hard and my hands start to shake. I can't even say anything.

"So, we meet again," James states, his words dripping with amusement. I swallow.

"Uh... yeah," I stutter. Toby looks confused for a minute and then he realizes that this must be the guy I explained to him earlier.

"Leave my sister alone," Toby barks at James, looking like he's going to deck him.

"Ah, big brother has come to save the day," James teases condescendingly. He's still taller than Toby but only by a couple of inches.

"Whatever you've done to her- she's terrified. So leave her alone," Toby replies. I bite my lip, silently begging my brother to shut up because James is touchy as hell. 

"You're not allowed to tell me what to do," James states, giving my brother an amused but pointed look. Toby wants to say something so badly but he's biting his tongue. Probably for my sake. The barista notices that we're at it again but nobody else has and I think she's grateful that we're not causing another scene. Not that there's very many people in here to begin with.

I'm staring at James, not really sure what to say. Then I remember that we only have so much time to get back to the farm.

"Look, James, it's lovely to see you again, "I say sarcastically, trying not to stumble over my words, "but we really need to be going." James laughs.

"Yeah. Because you're doing something completely illegal," he states with a wicked smile. I let out a heavy sigh.

"Please, just let us leave," I ask, seeing as he's blocking the door.

"Hmmm. How about no?" James teases. I sigh, thinking about how much trouble we'll get in if we don't make it home on time.

"What do you want from me?" I ask genuinely, hoping it will get us out of here faster. I knew this was a bad idea. But does my brother ever listen to me? No. In all fairness I did agree so it's partly my fault. And I'm the one who suggested getting coffee to begin with.

James lets out a derisive laugh.

"Oh, Erin," he breathes out in amusement. He takes a step towards me and Toby tenses up. I glance at him, silently telling him to remain calm.

"Why would I let you leave, when I could get you into so much trouble?" He taunts.

"Please don't. What do you want?" I repeat the question. There has to be some way I can get him to concede.

"To put it simply, I want you, Erin," he states in a half whisper. I shiver. He wants me?

"W-why?" I ask, my voice shaky. Toby is about ready to lose it. We're also wasting a lot of time. James gently touches my cheek and Toby has to do everything humanly possible to not go at him. I flinch a little at his touch.

"I told you at the party. I like you," he says, leaning down so we're at eye level.

"So, I'll let you go," James says. Relief floods through me.

"If you'll let me kiss you." My throat dries up again.

"What?! No way!" Toby snaps angrily. James glances at Toby, shaking his head.

"I didn't ask you. I asked your sister," he says, turning back to me.

"So, Erin, what is it going to be?" He asks. I cringe at the thought of having to kiss him.

"No," I tell him. James folds his arms over his chest.

"Then you're not leaving," James replies matter-of-factly.

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