21. Dessert

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I stare at her in shock for a moment before taking the business card from her hand. There's nothing but an acronym printed across the card in shiny white ink. A.E.D.P.

"What's the A.E.D.P.?" I ask, meeting her gaze.

"Advocates to End the Debt Program," she replies simply. "We help debtors like you escape," she says.

"How did you know I was a debtor?" I ask her, having to work to annunciate my words correctly. I shouldn't have drank so much ambrosia earlier and I'm sure James is going to give me hell for it later. James. There's a sudden flutter of panic that rushes through me. Where is he? Oh yeah. He went to talk to somebody.

Kendra rolls her eyes. "Yes, because everybody accidentally cuts themselves just below the crook of their left elbow," she retorts bitterly.

I scowl at her. "I don't need your help," I slur out, stumbling over to a bench towards the end of the hall.

I've heard of these groups of people who try to help debtors escape. Martin mentioned them to me once. He said they do help debtors get out, but then you're required to help them with their cause in return, so they aren't actually freeing debtors.

Kendra laughs. "Without us you're going to spend your whole life as a debtor," she spits at me, following me over to the bench but she remains standing.

"James and I made a deal," I reply, running my hands down my face. "If I don't fall in love with him within a year, he'll pardon me," I tell her, finding that very funny for some reason.

Kendra scoffs. "Do you really think he's going to actually let you go?" She asks, throwing her hands out.

I nod. "He hasn't lied to me yet," I reply, licking my lips to wet them. I could use some water right now.

She laughs. "He's never going to keep his word, Erin. He's never going to let you go," she tells me. "You need our help if you want to get out of this," she says. "Trust me."

I stare at her a moment, trying to sort out my thoughts.

"I trust James," I reply indignantly. Sure, I've only really known him for three days, but he hasn't lied to me yet. "And how do you know my name?" I ask her.

Kendra smiles down at me. "We've been watching you for a while," she says. "You've created quite the reputation for yourself," she remarks.

She must be talking about my rebellious history.

"Indeed she has." I turn to find James swaggering towards us and relief floods through me. His arms are folded over his chest and he looks angry. I hope he's not mad at me for wandering off.

Kendra looks irritated as she turns towards him.

"Hello, Kendra," James says, his words pure ice.

"James," she snaps back.

"What you're doing is highly illegal," he tells her, glancing in my direction.

"We're helping people!" Kendra snaps back.

James shakes his head, coming over and sitting down beside me. "Are you okay?" He asks me, his words taking on a gentle tone.

I nod, feeling relieved now that he's here. James wraps his arm around my waist and I rest my head on his shoulder as he turns towards Kendra again.

"I saw you eying us earlier. But you waited until Erin was intoxicated before cornering her, hoping she'd listen to you," he snaps at her. "I'm sure you're doing so much good." His words are dripping with sarcasm.

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