41. Realization

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As I enter the data center in Portenville, Director Stallard greets me. I give her a half-hearted wave, not bothering to stop and talk.

Erin called me right after I left Mr. Underly's office and it was a relief to talk to her. I wasn't planning on going home tomorrow, but when I heard her voice, something inside of me broke. I couldn't stand the thought of having to spend another minute away from her.

My darling little slave. My Erin. Loud and audacious, opinionated and inquisitive, sweet and submissive. With her sugar addiction and her love of books and her foul language.

I think about the government giving her a pill or an injection and taking all of that away. Taking away her bodily autonomy.

Making her into a quiet, obedient zombified girl. She'd be a bland, hollowed out shell of the person she is. She'd be numb.

The thought scares me. Probably more than anything else ever has before. I can never, never let them do that to her. To any of them. If I have to cut Persona's relations with the government I will, but I'm not agreeing to their fucked up plans.

My mother picked a damn fine time to go on vacation and leave me in charge!

I wander down the hallway to my temporary office. I slip inside and start to pack up my things.

It isn't long before someone knocks on the door.

"Come in," I call absently, stuffing papers into a folder.

The door opens and Abigail slips inside, shutting it behind her. She observes me for a minute. "What are you doing?" She asks me.

I glance over at her. "Leaving," I say dryly.

Her eyes get wide. "What? You can't. We still need your help!" She says, her high-pitched voice cracking.

I shake my head. "You don't really need my help. You're a capable woman, Director Stallard. I'm sure you can manage without me," I say, giving her a cunning smile.

She sighs. "Are you sure you can't stay a few more days?" She asks me.

"I'm sure. There are some matters that I need to tend to back home."

"Are they urgent?" She asks curiously.

Pinning a little red-headed debtor against a wall and making out with her seems pretty urgent to me.

I clear my throat. "I'm afraid they do take precedence over this," I tell her, holding back a sarcastic laugh.

She nods. "Well, thank you for coming," she says throwing her hands out and then dropping them at her sides as if she's unsure what to do next.

"You're welcome. I'll be leaving first thing in the morning, so I probably won't see you again before I leave," I say.

"Right. Well, I hope you have a safe flight back," she tells me, holding out her hand.

I shake her hand, giving her a curt nod. Once she's gone I fall back in the desk chair, running my fingers through my hair. Thank god I'm almost over this clusterfuck of a week.

It doesn't take me long to pack up my things and just when I'm almost done, Liana comes barging in without knocking.

"You're ditching us already, huh?" She asks me, folding her arms over her chest.

I smirk at her, standing up. "I've had enough of this shit show," I reply.

She laughs. "Who hasn't?" She asks. "I hate those little rebel maggots!" She spits.

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