50. A Present

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"You're lying," I say, staring up into his gorgeous violet eyes.

James sighs. "I think you're the only person on this whole damn planet who knows when I'm not telling the truth." He rubs the uninjured side of his face roughly.

"Then why do you try to lie to me?" I ask him softly.

James sighs. "I've had to put on so many fake smiles for so many people. I've had to hide the real me from everyone for so long, that I guess it's just become second nature to me," he replies with a shrug as if he's not really sure why but he's giving me his best explanation.

"You don't have to hide the truth from me. Not about the government, not about your past, not about your feelings. None of it," I say, shaking my head.

"I'm not going to judge you, or think you're crazy, or get mad," I tell him, reaching up and running my fingers through his hair.

"I love you, and I accept you just the way you are," I add softly, my voice cracking as I try not to cry.

James swallows, tears welling in his eyes. At first his reaction confuses me. Why would my statement bring him to tears?

Then it occurs to me that this might be the first time anybody has ever said those words to him.

The whole world expects so much from him. The pressure of it all must be suffocating and immense. He's had to lie about the cause of his father's death for years.

Everyone he's ever known has tried to make him into something he's not, so he learned early on to hide his real self.

He built up a reputation as someone not to be messed with, strutting around like he owns the world and fighting anybody who gets in his way.

Well, I'm not sure all of it is an act, but that's not the real James Harrington. I've seen the real him.

He is broken and raw and sweet and gentle. He has an enormous capacity to love. I feel it every time he stares into my eyes. Every time he presses his lips to my forehead.

He's fooled the whole world by making them believe he's a cold-hearted asshole. But he's been wounded too many times to let anyone see just how tender his heart really is.

Except for me. I've seen it. Not always, but in little glimpses. And a heart like his has to be protected.

I swear on my life to always, always protect his heart.

He meets my gaze, staring down at me for a long moment, like he's contemplating what he's going to say. Finally, he speaks.

"The truth is, I'm not sure what's going to happen. Charles Underly is a sinister man, and he holds a lot of power within the government," James tells me, making me cringe.

"What are we supposed to do?" I ask him, a trickle of fear running through me.

James shrugs. "We just have to hope he doesn't do anything drastic."

"That's it?" I ask, a little defeated.

"I wish I had a better answer, Erin. But I don't," he tells me, his words drenched with resignation as he strokes my cheek. "I'm sorry."

I let out a soft breath. "I know this is out of your control. I just... wish people like Charles Underwear didn't exist," I reply, intentionally making a mockery of his name.

James bursts out laughing. "Me too," he agrees.

People like Adrian and Leora Dalton, the members of the A.E.D.P., Elizabeth Harrington, Charles Underly, hell the whole damn government? I wish I could make them all have a change of heart.

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