Chapter Twenty-two

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When he had left for a few days  on a mandatory visit to his father he never expected to come back to so much excitement. He heard the rumors everywhere he went and it was all too impossible for him to believe. It was all about a girl arriving who was beautiful beyond compare and if the stories he heard were true, which he doubted, without hesitating took on Eric to save his friend Veronica. The gossip might be untrue but something had changed while he was gone at Black Star that he couldn't yet explain. The moment he had stepped back onto Black Star soil he could feel a change. Something raw and powerful. He could feel it all around the school and at times it was almost overwhelming. Yet in a strange way he felt drawn to it. As if that energy was a part of his very soul, calling to him as if telling him to find it. 

When Mark neared Vamp Oak was when he finally located the source. Whoever she was her power was strong, untamed and unusual and it called to his. When he got closer it he felt as if something was pulling them together. Then he saw her and that feeling became almost uncontrollable. She sensed his presence just like he had felt hers. When she turned around and looked at him his heart leaped into his throat.  

He couldn't stop his feet from moving then. When Mark came face to face with her is when he felt his whole world was about to change.  

The rumors of her beauty were all too true. Her red hair cascaded over her shoulders and curled at the end. Whenever the sun hit it her hair became a waterfall of fire. Her eyes were  emeralds compared to her porcelain skin. Looking at her took his breath away. He never felt like this towards anyone before. He tried hard to suppress the feelings that now threatened to overtake him. Something about her was so familiar but he couldn't place  where he had seen her before or how it would even be possible for him to forget her. 

When their hands clasped an uncontrollable power flooded through them. It connected them to each other. The feeling inside him was undeniable. Mark had heard stories about things like that happening before. Almost all them came from the werewolves and shifters, sometimes even the vampires but it was rare. He tried denying it but deep inside he knew somehow he was connected to this girl.   

Max let go of his hand and the power disappeared. It left him confused and over flooded with emotions he hadn't had before.   

"What the hell was that!" She asked. It the same question that was forming in his and everyone else's mind. They all had their suspicions but wouldn't talk. No one was able find the right words to explain it.  

Max looked all around as they all got back on their feet. Veronica spoke first, "That's a good question." 

Mark took his chance while Max was distracted and tried to push his feelings deep down. He never needed anyone before. He didn't like the feeling that was starting to build in him the longer she was near.  

When she did look at him her gleaming eyes were aflame with unasked questions and beneath that he could tell she was suppressing her own feelings as well.  

He opened his mouth to speak when the bell rang saving him from having to try to explain to her what he himself was unsure of. Seeing their chance everyone scattered before she could ask them more questions. Max was still looking at him her eyes now holding a tint of fear. He fought the urge to pull her close and hold her, to tell her everything was going to be okay. Mark only stood there though and watched as Charity tugged Max by the arm and they made their way to their next class.

He stayed there for a moment more trying to collect his thoughts. What did happen? He asked himself. Mark shook his head and headed to his dorm, not ready to go to class just yet.


Over the next few days he couldn't help but notice her. Whenever she was near his senses picked up and locked only on her. At lunch he found himself at the tree with the others. He would sit as close as he could to her and talked to Max whenever he got the chance. To his relief she didn't ask anymore questions about the first day they met.

Mark knew he should keep his distance but something about her enchanted him. Every moment around her was the best he ever had. He never felt so complete then when he was with her and he loved that with every day she was becoming more and more at ease with him.

Today's conversation was a grim one though. They had gathered all the vampires that they could trust and together they had their meeting. Eric had been seen watching Max from afar. He seemed to be waiting for her to be alone, for the right moment to attack. As Max listened Mark saw her cross her arms in annoyance. 

Mark himself was barley containing his building anger as the conversation continued. He could tell Christen and the others felt the same strong need to protect her no matter the costs. They all have come to love Max. She was smart, stubborn, loyal. Max radiated a certain glow that seemed to lighten the darkest part of all their hearts. They would rather die then let someone like Eric extinguish that light.

"Max should have one of us around her at all times that way if he attacks it would be a fair fight," suggested Christen. Murmurs of agreement came from all around.

Max rolled her eyes and said, "I don't need a babysitter  I can take care of myself. Anyway I took him on before and did just fine." A small smile escaped his lips at her retaliation but it quickly disappeared.

"But who knows how long you would of lasted. If that bell hadn't rung when it did it could have been a different story then it is now," Christen said. She tried to argue more but they ignored her and started to argue instead over who would watch over her. 

"I'll do it," he interrupted. His voice was soft thunder as it rolled over the noise of arguments causing everyone to become silent. Mark had a reputation of never interfering in other peoples affairs. So him volunteering astonished them all. 

Christen looked at him with a steady gaze, trying to make sure he knew what he was getting himself into. "Are you sure?" He asked. Mark glanced over at Max who was awaiting his answer. He felt the familiar leaping his heart did at the sight of her and he wished he could tell what she was thinking.   

For all Mark knew she didn't want to be around him that much. He pushed that thought out of his mind and turned his attention back to his best friend. Looking straight into his eyes he said, "yes." Christen nodded once and it was decided. It was now Mark's responsibility to protect Max. This was the way it was suppose to be and he didn't want anyone else to protect her but him. 

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