Chapter Thirty-one

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Christen walked Max back to her dorm and at moments along the way he found himself mesmerized by Max. At times it would be because of how beautiful her eyes gleamed when she laughed. Then it was the way her hair caught the sun turning it into a golden fire cascading over her shoulders. Even in the dark of the girl's dorm hall didn't diminish her light. Max seemed to glow from within radiating her own wonderful light. Christen wanted to kiss her right then before she could escape to her own room but with some effort he held back. He wanted to wait for the perfect moment and he hoped that would be tonight.

"Thanks for walking me Chris," Max said breaking him from his reverie. He flashed her his best smile.

"Of course," he flirted, "hey how bout we catch a movie later? I have something I need to do at the moment but what about in an hour or so?" She smiled and his breath caught in his throat.

"Yeah I would love to, I'll see you in a bit," she answered.

"Great see you soon Kitten," he gave her a playful wink making her laugh. Then her and her breath taking smile slipped into her room.

With that taken care of Christen had an appointment to keep and made his way to it.

He walked down the hall until he reached the door he needed and knocked softly.

"Enter," a soft voice called from within. Christen walked in and quietly closed the door behind him. This room was different than the other dorms he had seen. It was set up more like an enchanted office that happened to have a bed neatly tucked in the corner.  

In front of him sat a girl with shocking long blond white hair and milky eyes to match. She was behind a beautifully crafted table. The girl herself was an interesting sight. The only color in her features was her delicately light pink lips. Behind her candles decorated the entire room and a strong scent of incense burned.   

"Luna dear you look extraordinarily beautiful today. I don't know how you do it," he flattered and gracefully made his way to the seat across from her.

Luna giggled, "oh Christen your ever the charmer."

Christen smiled and continued with his flattery, "oh but its true sweetheart." The girl even blind was helpless to Christen's charm and a small blush crept across her cheeks.

"Well lets get down to business shall we?" Luna said quickly obviously trying to change the subject, "what is it you wanted to know Christen?"  

"Besides to see how the wonderful Luna was doing?" The girl's blush deepened though it was the lightest blush he had ever seen. "I want to know if Max Lennon and I have a future together." Luna got to work right away. The girl sat up a bit straighter and her eyes became cloudy as a vision over took her. 

When Luna finally spoke her soft voice became raspy, "the answer to your question is yes. Max is a big part of your future. In the year to come changes will occur. The past will begin again and only the light in the dark can overcome the darkness. Loved ones will be lost. A family once lost will be found. You will come to live together yes, you will both be happy but in different ways. It has only just begun. Beware those who hid in plain sight. That is all I can say." The vision left her and Luna's eyes cleared once more. She slouched in her seat exhaustion taking ahold of her. It was decided then. Christen wouldn't give up on Max. Her and Mark might be mates but according to Luna he will have a future with her and Luna's visions are never wrong. The rest of her vision he would have to figure out later.  

"Thank you beautiful you have given me the answer I wanted," he said softly. She gave him a weak smile in return.

"Oh good," she whispered. Christen chuckled faintly.  

"Lets get you in bed before you drop from your seat." Christen walked around the table and carefully took Luna in his arms. The girl weighed next to nothing. When he set her on her bed she was already dead asleep. He quietly took his leave careful not to wake her.  

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