Chapter Twenty-nine

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A week went by and I still haven't heard anything from Mark. Every once in awhile I would sense him. I would feel his gaze as I walked over to some friends or back to my dorm but whenever I turned around he was no where to be seen. I started spending more and more time with Christen and Nick. Along with Charity they became my closest friends. That week went by and to my surprise nothing too exciting happened. There was no vampire attacks, no new powers, and no kissing. The school seemed almost normal. Then again here it was Friday and I had a feeling the normal streak was about to end.   

It all started in defense class. Today's assignment was dodge ball. According to Coach Swift it was to help us learn to aim and dodge. Luckily Charity and I were on the same team, and stuck together throughout most of the game. We did alright the first half. Every once in awhile we would get out but mostly we were able to stay in the game pretty well. I glanced over at Alexis and saw her smile wickedly. My gut twisted as I realized what she was up to.   

Charity was too distracted by another girl from the opposing team to even see the ball coming at her face. I moved to intercept it but it was too late. The ball hit Charity hard and knocked her down with a loud smack. I hurried over to her. Kneeling beside her I checked to see if she was okay. Already her eye was starting to swell and there was a huge red mark on her tan skin where the ball had hit her. I looked up from Charity and over to where Alexis was standing. She was laughing and high fived her dark minion Faye. Faye's lips curved in a satisfied grin.   

My anger boiled over and that's when in Charity's terms I went all vampy. I could feel the change taking hold of me. It was a different sensation then when I called upon my element of fire. Instead of the heat that filled my veins it was cold and deadly.  

I carefully helped Charity up. Ignoring her nervous glances as she noticed my change I got her over to Coach Swift. Once I saw that she was sitting down and had an ice pack was when the game really began.  

I wasn't just alright now, no I was great. I dodged faster then I ever thought I could, and before I knew it I was the only one left in the game. I was holding up a ball ready to hit someone else when I realized there was no one left. I signal handedly got everyone out.  

Behind me I could hear everyone from my team cheering. I turned and everyone leaped from the bench and surrounded me, patting my back and telling me how great I was. I felt my cheeks burn and managed a small smile when Coach Swift blew her whistle. 

Everyone silenced immediately. We all turned towards her. Coach Swift's face was blank but her voice was stern.  

"Lennon a word please. Everyone else back to the game!" again she blew her whistle and everyone scurried back to their spot.  

I swallowed nervously and made my way to where she was waiting. I expected some sort of punishment. Instead what she said was, "that was impressive Max so I'm moving you over to be with the vampires." She said it as if it was an every day thing. I was almost positive I had heard her wrong.  

"Wait what?" I asked in shock.  

"You heard me now get over there," she ordered. Without further explanation Coach Swift went off to teach one of the boys how to properly dodge a ball. I stood there for a moment in shock. Only when I was angry could I do what I did. Against normal people it was easy to be the best. Among the vampires though with my temper gone I was just like everyone else. They were going to kill me.   

I turned towards Charity who had heard the whole thing. She gave me the best sympathetic look that she could give with an ice pack covering half her face.

"It'll be alright, Christen's over there. I'm sure he'll make sure you don't get creamed too bad," she said. I crossed my arms and glanced over at Faye and Alexis. Even though it would be nice to have Christen there I still didn't trust Alexis with Charity.  

"I don't want to leave you here alone with them," I admitted causing Charity to roll her good eye.  

"Max I'll be fine," she argued. I gave her a doubtful look but she just returned it with an equally piercing one. "Now you better go on over there before Coach notices your still here." I did as she suggested hating leaving her there alone to deal with Alexis and Faye.  

I made my way to the smaller gym where the vampires practiced. Christen had been surprised to see me and after I explained the incident that happened he stuck by my side as much as he was able to. He blocked most of the hard blows that could have caused serious damage, but even with his help I had been right. The vampires destroyed me at dodge ball. Now the game was over and I could feel the beginnings of bruises starting to pulse throughout my body.  

Christen ran up to me as I tried to rub the ache out of my shoulders. "Hey you alright?" He asked. His baby blue eyes held a touch of grey and were filled with concern.   

I gave him the best smile I could manage, which I could tell wasn't much."yeah I'm fine," I said. Christen gave me a look that told me he believed other wise and seemed like he was about to argue when something behind me caught his eye. I frowned and turned to see what it was. Low and behold it was Alexis strutting her way towards us.   



Christen was about to suggest that Max go let the nurse check out her injuries when a steady movement behind Max caught his eye. It was Alexis. She seemed determined. Only he could detect the slight nervousness in her other wise confident step. She wasn't coming over to see him. She couldn't care less about him at the moment. She was on her way to confront Max and Max scared her more then she would ever let on.   

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