Chapter Seventeen

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Gym wasn't what I expected it to be. Even with magical beings all around me I somehow expected normal classes like Math and Gym to be well normal. My expectations were wrong. 

First off Gym wasn't exactly called gym here. In fact it was weaponry and defense that took place in a gym like room. The gym was huge and spread out around the room were tons of gymnastic equipment. While on one wall were the doors to the locker rooms.

When Charity and I entered the girl's locker room we found it filled with girls going in every direction. I glanced at Charity and followed her as she lead me into a small, cluttered office that over looked the room. Sitting at a crowded desk sat a stern looking women with sandy blond hair. Charity cleared her throat to get the women's attention. Irriated the women turned and looked at Charity and asked, "what is it Miss Smith?"

"Coach Swift this is Max," Charity gestured towards me, "she's one of the newbies. She needs to get a uniform and a locker." Coach Swift gave me a once over.

"I suppose she does," she said, her voice full of disinterest. She turned in her chair and from a pile of clothes pulled a pair out and handed them to me. "As for the locker you and Miss Smith here can be partners. Now go get ready," Charity and I glanced at each other and smiled on our way out. 

Charity and I put on the uniforms. Which was some spandex and a dark blue tank top, and headed out to the gym with the other girls. Already the equipment was in use and lines were forming quickly. Charity explained that we were working on balance and agility these next few weeks.   

"What should we do first?" I asked glancing around at all the options. 

"Let's do the balance beam first. Its the easiest and that way I won't make a complete fool of myself," she suggested. I laughed and agreed.   

As we got in line for the balance beam we ended up behind a pretty blond girl. The sight of her made Charity's smile disappear. I gave her a worried look and asked, "are you ok?" She nodded and just kept glaring at the blond and her friends.   

"Maybe we should get in line for something else," Charity suggested. I looked at out line, it was moving fast and only three people were now a head of us.

"I thought you wanted to start out easy? Anyway its going to be our turn here in a minute." Charity was about to say something when the blond turned around and noticed Charity. A sly smile spread on her face.

"Charity I didn't even notice you there," the blond turned to me and gave me an approving once over. The girls eyes were a deep sky blue that reminded me of the guy Venn's that I met earlier. I crossed my arms, feeling uncomfortable at her criticizing stare. "And whose your friend here? I don't remember seeing her around before." Charity's eyes narrowed and she crossed her arms looking pissed. Her eyes clouded with anger and I could tell she heard something she didn't like in the girl's mind.

"Her names Max she's new here. Max this is Alexis, she's Venn's little sister." Alexis's eyes narrowed at the words little sister. 

"Well I'm a lot more then Venn's sister," Alexis said and looked me in the eyes, "I'm pretty well known here. If you want Max you can join my friends and I. With us as your friends you'll have everyone at your feet begging to do anything you desire, anything to be a part of us. Pretty much being one of us gets you anything you want." She gave me a charming smile and when I looked over at Charity she looked defeated. Who does this girl think she is? I thought, my anger starting to fire.   

"So what do you say Max?" Alexis asked, sounding confident that I would accept.

"Thanks for the offer but I'm going to have to decline, I'm happy with the friend I have now," I answered. Alexis's eyes burned with fury and disbelief. Charity laughed in relief and put her arm around my shoulders.

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