Chapter Thirty

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Alexis bounced up to us and grinned. "Hey baby," she directed towards Christen, "I have to discuss something with Max. Will you give us a minute?" Her voice was sickeningly sweet which I could tell made him nervous. Christen glanced at me seeming unsure whither or not he should leave. I gave him a slight smirk to reassure him.  

With a terse nod he said, "sure," looking back at me he added, "I'll be right over there if you need me." I resisted the urge to roll my eyes but managed to only nod. Alexis was nothing compared to Eric and it was frusterating to think Christen didn't think I could handle her. When he left I turned back towards Alexis wanting to get whatever she wanted done and over with.   

"What do you want Alexis?" I asked. I was tired and battered and in no way in the mood to play her games. 

Alexis's smile grew wicked as she caught on to my annoyance, "Right to the point huh? Fine, I came over to tell you to stay away from Christen he's mine." This time I did roll my eyes. At least she's straight forward, I thought.  

"You don't own him Alexis he can be around whoever he wants," I retorted. Her eyes narrowed and her smile disappeared.   

"He's my boyfriend so in a way I do," she snapped. Regaining her composure she added sweetly, " I've also heard rumors about you and Mark. Back off." My eyes widened in amusement.   

"Mark too huh?" I chuckled. She can't be serious right?  

"I claimed him a long while back. Christen may be a for now thing but Mark will be mine in the long run. So back off," she threatened her irritation growing. Her bringing up Mark opened up the wound he had left inside of me. I had been pushing it down ever since that day and now she ignited the flames of my own unreleased rage. Yet I still felt the need to defend him no matter how much pain and embarrassment he's leaving had caused me.   

"Mark is not something you can claim Alexis." My voice was now soft but sinister. From the look on her face that alone frightened her. The familiar sensation of heat started to build and threatened to come bursting out. I pushed the feeling down to a mere simmer. As if she could feel my internal struggle Alexis took a step back in fright. Just catching herself before she ran away. Say what you want about her but she definitely had guts.  

"Anyway from what I have heard he doesn't even want you. To him your just another girl fawning over him. An annoyance that he couldn't wait to get away from." She hit home with that one. She unknowingly voiced the fears inside of me. 

The anger and hurt melded into one inside of me. The air around us seemed to be getting thicker. Before my eyes I could see it getting harder for Alexis to breathe. She was almost panting now. I could feel the intense energy surrounding us and I slowly realized it was coming off of me. Christen seemed to sense the change in the air and was immediately by us once more.

"What's going on?" He asked. Anxiously looking between Alexis and I, not sure which side he should take. Guilt over took my anger as Alexis tried hard to breath. Christen hurried to her side, just in time to catch her as she began to fall to the floor. In shock I pulled the energy back into me like Miss. Nut had taught. The air soon went back to normal and Alexis took in a deep breath. She quickly recovered and gave me a piercing glare as Christen looked frantically between us once more. 

"What the hell happened?" Christen's voice rose with his growing agitation. Alexis shook him off her when she was once again able to stand on her own. Her fear seemed to disappear and she gave him another sickening sweet smile acting as if nothing had happened.  

"Nothing sweetheart we were just having a nice chat," was her explanation. Christen face was a mask of irritation. It was obvious that it was an out right lie. Alexis noticed his anger but chose to ignore it. Instead she took the chance to get the last word.   

She turned right into Christen and pressed herself up against him. Hard enough that her boobs were squished against his body. She took his face into her hands and gave him a deep, forceful kiss. I could see the irritation slip from Christen's features from the surprise kiss. When Alexis finally ended it he stood there for a moment too bewildered to do anything else. Alexis turned towards me and said,"nice talking to you," before strutting off once again.  

Christen turned towards me in confusion, "What the hell happened?" he repeated, "and don't you dare lie to me as well."  

I let out a deep sigh and told him, "She told me to stay away from you and to back off from Mark." Christen's light blue eyes darkened with fury.   

"She had no right to say that to you," he started. I put my hand up to interrupt his rant.

"Christen don't worry about it," I said. He nodded and apologized for her actions in which I told him wasn't his fault. I would never admit it but Alexis's words stung. I knew she was just trying to hurt me and I hated that it worked. Deep inside I couldn't help but wonder if she was right. 

After getting changed Christen and I met up with Charity who had been waiting for us. Her face was still a bit swollen and seeing it made Christen even more angry. All the way to the clearing we listened to him rant about Alexis. The whole time I couldn't wrap my head around why he was with her.

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