Chapter Five

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I walked out the front door and saw Grace's pink jeep parked at the curb. I started to walk towards her car and of course she was reading one of her teen gossip magazines as she waited for me. She was a girl who was always in the know when it came to the newest celebrity drama, or any kind of drama for that matter. She looked up at me as I came up to the door of the jeep but surprisingly didn't smile.

I felt a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach, something was up. She pushed the button to unlock the door and I slid in. Setting the magazine down she gave me a look, a look I've seen her give often when she didn't like a situation. Somehow she had found out what happened between Chase and me. It didn't surprise me, Grace always found out what was happening with everyone.

Buckling up I decided to ignore the look, I was going to play it cool.

"Hey Gray."

She took her eyes off my face and started the jeep. She tended to wait to lecture until she had everything she wanted to say all figured out in her mind. I guess this was one of those times. We were now a block from my house at a stop sign when she finally spoke.

"You know exactly what I want to know. I want to know details, not second hand news, now spill," she demanded.

Great, I thought, she's in one of her rare grumpy moods.

"Grace let's talk about this later? It's still pretty early." I tried to sound fragile and sleep deprived. It wasn't a hard thing to do. I hadn't slept well at all. I was going to ask her to go to a coffee drive up but seeing her mood I didn't think she'd do it.

She glowered at me then set her eyes back on the road. We have known each other most of our lives so she didn't need to speak to tell me she was mad at me. I sighed and realized I should have called her as soon as Chase and I broke up. Or texted at least. Crap I was a bad best friend. But with everything going on right now I probably would have told her everything which Aunt Barbara told me not to do no matter what the circumstances.  Why is it that breaking up with a great guy that I might love not the biggest drama in my life? I so wished it could have been.

"I just can't believe you broke up with him. I mean you guys were perfect for each other and you just broke his heart." She sounded more annoyed then anything.

I stared at her in disbelief. Did she really just say what I think she said?

"Wait just a second Grace, you've got it all wrong." I said, not even hiding my shock or anger. "I didn't break up with him, he broke up with me."

Her piercing gaze fell on me again. She waved her hand in the air and shook her head. She was not ready to believe me yet. I hope she spilled what she knew now before I got pissed.

"Well that's not the story he told everyone," she snapped at me.

There was already a freaking story about all of this? What the hell! It only happened last night, how could everyone know already? I needed more information before I decided to hide from the world or face it head on.

"What do you mean by everyone? This only happened last night!" I voiced revealing my overwhelmed state of mind. She smiled at me, overly amused and somehow making me feel like an idiot.

"That's the wonderful thing about Facebook Max," Grace chuckled. My eyes went wide.

"What do you mean? What happened on Facebook?" I questioned, my anger rising. She glanced my way, noticing my anger her amusement settled in for the remainder of the drive. This was her thing, trading her gossip for juicer gossip. I gulped because in a way she had just hit the juiciest gossip jackpot of the year. If this whole break up thing wasn't handled right before I left everyone would talk about it the rest of the year.

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