Chapter Twenty-five

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"As most of you know all witches and wizards are connected with one certain element. Yes you can have power over all elements though that is rare but you will only truly be onnected to one. That element will be the strongest one you call on. Usually its the first element that shows when you are beginning to come into your powers," Miss Nut lectured. She glanced around the class for a moment. "Lets see here...Slater Jones please come up here. We are going to give the class an example." Slator did as she asked and made his way in front of the class.

"Alright Miss Nut what would you like me to do?" he asked smiling.

"Your element is water correct?" she asked him.

"Yes ma'am," he answered.

"Please will you summon a ball of water for us?" she asked of him.

Slator smiled brightly, "That I can do." Slator held out his hand in front of him and my eyes widend as we watched a puddle form in his hands. That puddle began to grow bigger and bigger into a ball of water. The water swirled around and around in his hand. 

Miss Nut clapped her hands excitedly, "Great job Mr. Jones!"

Slator grinned from ear to ear and with a twist of his hand the ball of water was gone. "No problem," he said.

"Now Slator do me a favor and make this plant grow for me," she asked stopping him from returning to his seat. She placed a seed in his hands and his smile wavered.

"I can try, but I can't promise anything," he told her.

Miss Nut nodded encouragingly, "Do the best you can."

Slator held the seed flat in his hands and closed his eyes to concentrate. A few minuets went by but nothing happened. Slator opened his eyes once more and shrugged. Handing the seed back to Miss. Nut he said, "Sorry couldn't do it."

"No worries," she said and gave him a smile, "You can go back to your seat now." Slator did as he was told and Miss. Nut looked at the class once more. "You see class, one main element. You may or may not be able to call on another but only one will be truly yours. It will come whenever you call and it will be the strongest."

After her lesson Miss. Nut broke us into small groups, having each one of us practice with our element. I sadly was finding it hard to even summon mine.

"Max concentrate, you can do this," Miss Nut encouraged. For the last ten minutes I have been trying to start the dry pile of sticks in front of me on fire.

Okay Max, you got this, I thought and tried once more. I could feel the power building up inside of me as I stared at the pile of sticks. Right before I could release it though I could feel it start to slip away.

I was just about to give up when Nick said, "maybe Max's just not good enough to be here." He didn't mean it I knew that but I couldn't help but feel a twinge of hurt. Maybe he was right and I wasn't good enough. I squeezed my eyes shut. No I can't think that way, I scolded myself and the hurt melted into anger. I am good enough, I did it before and I can do it again. Nick's intended purpose worked. Anger surged up my body and whoosh. My eyes flew open and my anger faded as the sticks burst into flames. Miss Nut clapped approvingly while Nick smiled smugly. 

"See Max I told you you could do it! Well done!" Miss. Nut congradulated me. I gave her a slight smile which she returned before going off to help another student.  

I threw a playful glare at Nick and he held up his hands up in mock surrender and chuckled, "hey I was only trying to help. I didn't mean it." I gave him a smile and laughed.   

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