Chapter Ten

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Slater Jones felt a heavy power prickle the hairs on his neck. He could sense this power as one of his own, and it was new and raw. He had never felt such a strong power here before.

He looked at his coven and saw his own expression reflected back at him. They felt it too. Slater turned around and could see a figure of a girl heading towards Vamp Oak. Going near Vamp Oak was risky especially for newbies. The vampires were awful to new comers, they tortured them by scaring the hell out of them in any way they could.

Slater ran his hand through his spiky blond hair trying to decide what to do. He wanted to warn her but the last time he warned someone he had been put in the infirmary for a week. He sighed feeling bad for the girl but not willing to risk getting creamed again. It was best to leave it alone, everyone went through it and it wouldn't do any good to stop it from happening to this one he supposed. Anyway if her magic is as strong as it seems she'll be okay, Slater thought as he watched the figure get further away.

"Looks like we got a new member guys," he said turning back to the others. They all started gossiping about how much power this new girl seemed to have. Everyone except him and one other that is. Faye. Slater glanced at Faye and saw the stony look she had on. He could tell she was getting annoyed. To her another member was a bother, especially someone else more powerful than her.

"Faye," Slater said turning all his attention on her. He didn't want her anywhere near the new girl, she was no better than the vamps. Sometimes she could even be worse. Faye looked at him and put on a bone chilling smile.

"What?" She asked. Her voice dripped with sweetness as she tried to sound as innocent as she could. Faye was never innocent though and she made sure to prove that any chance she got. She flipped some of her thick black hair over her shoulder and gave him a cold look as if daring him to say something to her.

"Stay away from her," Slater's voice was commanding. A tone letting her know she shouldn't mess with him. Her smile became more bone chilling.

"No promises," she teased turning to leave, dismissing what he said as if he was beneath her. Slater called on his ability to summon water and hit Faye with a large ball soaking her. She turned around shocked. Everyone went silent and watched their encounter. Faye's eyes were wide. Anger seeped into them. Her once perfectly done black make up began to run down her tan face causing Slater's smile to become smug.

"You will stay away from her Faye. At least until she's adjusted to Black Star or I promise you I'll hit you with another one and next time it'll hurt." Faye shook herself off like a wet dog and stared at him with hatred.

"Fine," was all she said before she stomped off towards the girl's dorm rooms. Sometimes being the most advanced in his powers had it perks. Smiling in triumph Slater looked over his group of witches and wizards. Elizabeth Long and Elena Williams were talking non-stop about the new girl. Who could blame them? He would be talking about her too if he were them. Next his attention went to Venn Wilson who was talking to Nick Brown. Slater noticed Venn was doing most of the talking while Nick stared off into space. He decided to go see what was up, even though if Mark found out he would kill him.

He walked over and plopped down next to Nick. Nick turned to look at him, his expression gave away nothing of what he was thinking. Venn looked from Nick to Slater. Picking up on their energy he got up and walked off to join into Elizabeth and Elena's conversation. The girls seemed delighted to include him.

Slater and Nicked sat in awkward silence for a few moments before he decided to break it.

"What's up?" He asked curiosity filling his voice. Nick stayed silent for a few more moments like he was fighting against telling him or not. Finally he let out a deep sigh.

"It's that girl," he answered unsurely.

"Yeah she has some wicked amount of power alright," Slater agreed. Nick shook his mop of brown hair, frustrated.

"It's not that. There's just something different about her," Nick tried explaining. Slater just stared at him not sure what he meant.

"What do you mean?" He asked but Nick just shook his head again.

"Nothing just forget it, why do you care anyway?" With that Nick stood up and hurried off, leaving Slater confused about the whole thing. Deciding not to worry about it he pushed himself off the grass and walked over to Venn and the giggling girls.

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