Chapter Six

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The last bell of the day rang, dismissing me from a horribly boring history class. I emptied everything from my locker and stuffed them into my now bulging messenger bag. I stared at the empty locker. I'm leaving. This is really happening. I slammed the locker shut and worked my way through the crowding hallway.

In all my classes I made my goodbyes, I tried not to miss anyone. I grew up with all these people and it was troubling to think I wouldn't see any of them for a while if ever again. After today my life would never be the same, I would never be the same and that fact scared me more than anything.

I waited outside of the school for Grace for a bit but there was no sign of her. I pulled out my phone to text her when I heard my name being called. Dread flowed through me, I had successfully avoided Chase the rest of the day until now. I turned around and to my dismay saw him jogging over. When he reached me I crossed my arms and asked, "Chase can't you just leave me alone?" He shook his head and gave me his boyish smile. It was the one he used when he knew he was about to get what he wanted.

"Nope, I told you we need to talk," he smirked. I glared at him, holding back the urge to punch him in his smug face.

"Like I said before I don't want to talk. All I want is to get home and finish packing," I argued. Chase looked annoyed but I didn't care. I was done caring about what he thought and wanted.

"Come on Maxi, I don't want us to end like this," He pleaded. I felt my glare deepen.

"First of all don't call me Maxi. And if you didn't want this to happen then you shouldn't have posted what you did on Facebook." My voice was low but piercing, which surprised even me. He sighed and ran a hand through his slightly sweaty hair.

"Max I'm sorry I'll tell everyone the truth I swear. Come on at least let me give you a ride home." Uncertainty was gone and was replaced with his sweet puppy dog eyes and innocent boyish grin. Awhile back I would have fallen for it, but not now. We had been together long enough that I knew better then to fall for it now.

"And why would you want to give me a ride home? For you to tell your buddies that you still have me on your hook and so willing to get in your car again? No way," he chuckled and looked at the ground then back at me.

"Sounds like something I would do but no. I just need to talk to you," his smile widened, "anyway you did say you wanted to go home." I rolled my eyes wondering how I stayed with him for so long. I looked around hoping to see Grace. Still she was nowhere that I could see. Damn it where is she when I need her?

"Why should I trust you anymore?" I asked. He gave me his best charming smile.

"Because do you remember when we first started dating? You feared that we dating would ruin our friendship. So we promised that no matter what happened we'll always be there for each other. That when one of us needs something that's important the other one will help in whatever way they can. This, Max, is important to me," He had a good point. I let out a deep frustrated breath. I didn't want to admit it but he was right, I did promise that and I always keep my promises.

"Fine you can give me a ride home," I groaned. His smile widened. I couldn't help but wonder how long he's been waiting to use that promise against me. When we got to his old truck I noticed Grace's pink jeep from the corner of my eye. Seeing it reminded me I needed to tell her I didn't need a ride anymore. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and messaged her.

Me: Hey Gray caught a ride with Chase.

I only had to wait a few seconds for her reply.

Grace: Kay don't have too much fun!

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