Chapter Forty-four

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In Defense class the next day we were practicing our punching and kicks on a dummy. Charity was right beside me and we were actually enjoying outselves. Giving eachother tips where we thought we needed it. Deciding we needed a drink break we headed over to the water cooler. To our dismay Alexis and her minions were crowded around it. 

I pushed through the small crowd with Charity right behind me. I grabbed a paper cup and handed one to Charity and started filling it with the cold water my throat begged for. Water in hand we leaned against the wall. I took a quick glance at Alexis and my eyes almost bugged out. Charity looked to where I was staring.   

She gasped, "Oh my gods I wonder what happened." Alexis was chatting happily to her friends but with the uniform on we could clearly see dark bruises covering her arms. Alexis glanced at us and seeing that we noticed her bruises began to speak louder so we could hear.

"Yeah last night was amazing. As you could see Christen just couldn't keep his hands off of me," she stroked her arms and grinned over at me. My stoumach lurched. Christen did that to her? No she has to be lying, I thought.  

I looked over at Charity who seemed just as surprised as I was. "Oh and thats not all," Alexis went on, "he also left me these." She lifted up her long blond hair. There on her neck were tons of hickies and in the middle of it all were two unmistakable fang marks. Her friend's gasped and I felt my heart drop. "He's such an animal in bed," she added dropping her hair back in place.  

"Christen wouldn't do that," I said in what I thought was a whisper. Alexis turned towards Charity and I again clearly hearing what I said. 

"Don't believe me? Go ask him yourself you know where he is," her grinned widened.

"Fine," I grumbled. I turned on my heels my hands in fists and made my way over to the smaller gym where I knew Chris and the other vamps would be. I could hear Charity's light footsteps follow behind me but I didn't pay her any mind. I was too focused on getting to Christen. It can't be true, I repeated over and over in my head, Christen's not like that.  

The moment I stepped into that gym everyone's eyes were on me but my eyes scanned the room for Christen. He was sparring with the vamp named Lenny but I didn't care. I pushed through the vampires and made my way between them. Lenny back off instantly. Christen looked at me in shock.

"Kitten? Did coach send you over here again?" He asked. I didn't bother answering his question.  

"Tell me she's lying. Tell me you didn't leave those marks on her and she just trying to get under my skin," I begged him. Guilt pooled into his eyes and I felt my heart drop again. No, I thought, no it can't be true.

"Kitten please let me-" he inched closer to me but I took an instinctive step back.  

"No," I interupted, "How could you do that to her Christen? All those bruises and marks? Couldn't you have had her fun without causing her pain?" I knew the answer to my last question already but I still couldn't wrap my head around it. In my Magical Creatures and Beings class we went over vampires. We learned that its easy for a vampire to be gentle with their victims. Most of the time it can be done with no mark except for some light fang marks. Only the killers like Eric intentially hurt their victims, leaving marks to prove they are more powerful then them. Just like Christen had done.  

Christen opened his mouth then closed it. I shook my head angrily, "I thought you were different," I spat at him before walking away.  

I brushed past Charity who looked between Chris and I unsure on who to comfort. I felt a hand on my arm and they pulled me back. I came face to face with Christen. "Kitten please let me explain," he started.  

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