Chapter Forty-five

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Mark had unknowingly lied for him. He had helped save his friendship with Max and to that he was eternally thankful. Christen knew though if Mark had known the truth of why he had gone out of control he wouldn't ever let Max around him again and so he resolved to never tell him. Max was too important to him and he wouldn't risk losing her again.   

The rest of the school day Christen and Mark hung out with Max in her room. He found it cute that this was her first time skipping class. They had past the time by playing card games, and talking. Christen was careful not to glance as much at her when Mark was around. Knowing that if caught on he would grow suspious. Yet at times he couldn't help it she was just too beautiful. Exspecially when she laughed, her whole face would light up and her eyes would shine. He wasn't surpised to see how often Mark glanced her way.   

After the school day was over he had to excuse himself from the two of them. They both complained and told him to stay longer but he couldn't. He told them that he had errends to run and it wasn't exactly a lie.   

He walked up the hall. He had a misson and he was determined to get it over with. He had promised Max what happened would never happen again and he intened to keep that promise. 

Christen knocked on Alexis's door and looked down the hall causiously. Alexis opened the door and smiled wickedly when she saw him. "Eager for some more huh?" she chuckled.

Christen held back his remark and instead said, "We need to talk, can I come in?" 

Her smile vanished at his tone but she opened the door wider. Christen brushed past her to the center of the room. "If your not here for round two what is it?" she demanded crossing her arms.  

Christen looked at her. She seemed to suspect what this was about. Christen had tried doing this before but everytime she would just change the subject. He wasn't about to let that happen this time. 

"What happened last night can't happen again," he said.   

Alexis rolled her eyes and swayed over to him. Teasingly she put her hands on his chest and stroked his throat, "But why? Last night was fun and you know it. I love it when you take control like that," she shivered and planted a hard kiss on him.   

Christen carefully pushed her away from him, "i'm serious it can't happen again. We're done Alexis for good this time."  

"You can't be serious," she scowled, "This has to do with that bitch doesn't it?"   

Christen could tell she meant Max. "Don't call her that," he growled.  

"What is it about her Christen? What does she have that I can't give you? I give you everything you want. I give you blood, sex, you don't even have to deal with me every day and can flirt with other girls. Its what every guy dreams of. I thought I made you happy!" she yelled.   

"Don't give me that bullshit Alexis. You never cared about making me happy. In fact you don't give two fucks about me, the only thing you ever cared about is yourself."  

She gave him a disgusted look. "Don't get all dramtic Christen, you never wanted a caring relationship before why would you want one now? We had a good thing going and now you just want to throw all that away?"   

"Yes," he said, "we're done." He walked past her and opened the door.

"You'll regret this," she threatened.

He looked at her over his shoulder and said, "no I don't think I will." He walked out and slammed the door behind him. In the hallway he could hear her cussing at him and things shattering. Yelling that Max would never want the likes of him. Christen shook his head and made his way to Vamp Oak. He couldnt believe he had lasted so long with her.  

News of his break up with Alexis spread like wildfire the next day. Where ever he went he could hear the whispers. From what he heard Alexis was still throwing a fit, talking trash about him to anyone who would listen.   

By time lunch came around it seemed like everyone knew. Some like Mark even congradualted him from finally breaking free. Others felt sorry for him because of all the drama Alexis was trying to cause. He didn't care though, she could blow up all she wanted. He was just glad to finally be a single man once more.  

Mark slapped his back and voiced his own thoughts, "your a free man once again! how does that feel?"

Christen smiled, "fantastic."  

All the sudden Max pushed her way in front of the crowd he had been talking to. The vampires moved out of her way, respectivly giving her some room. His heart lit up when he saw her. Excitment bounced off her in wave, causing her to have an almost etheral glow about her. It was like the sun itself was trapped inside her body and it was shining from within.  

"You actually did it?" she asked, "you broke up with her?" Her eyes glowed with happy disbelif. Charity came and stood beside her smiling her approval.  

He nodded his smile growing, "Damn right I did Kitten. I promised you what happend before wouldn't happen again and I intend to keep that promise."  

Max pulled him into a hug in which he returned happily, "I'm so proud of you Chris!"

"I did it for you kitten," he whispered to her, hugging her tighter. Christen could tell Mark didn't like how close him and Max were. It showed in the way he stiffened a bit when they started hugging but Chris didn't care. All he cared about is how good it felt having her in his arms. The feeling didn't last much longer as she pulled away. She went and stood closer to Mark and he could see him soften back up.  

"Good for you Christen," Charity praised, "you deserve a lot better then her."  

Christen gave her a soft smile. Charity had come along way since Max had been here. She used to be a shy little thing, scared to even talk about vampires. Now she was just as comfortable around them as she was with anyone else. "Thanks Char." She smiled back at him.  

"We should celebrate," Max suggested. 

"That sounds like a great idea," he beamed.

"Theres not much to do on a week day," Mark reminded us.

"Well then how bout this weekend?" she asked, "like saturday." She added seeing the look on Mark's face.  

"I can't. I leave saturday to visit my father and won't be back until Monday," Mark explained dismally. Along with Mark a lot of others gave the same excuse. Saturday was Valentines day so as usual the Gifted conmunity was holding their annual banquet. Max didn't know that though and looked frusterated at them all.   

Before Max could start scolding them he cut in. "Looks like it will be just you and me kitten," Christen smirked. Her frown settled a bit when she saw he wasn't disappointed.  "We could go to the mainland and check things out there since you haven't had the chance to yet," Christen suggested.  

"Chris this isn't about me, its about you and what you want to do," she argued. 

"That is what I want to do," he assured her. Max didn't look convinced but agreed.  

When the bell rang for lunch to be over everyone but Mark and him headed to class. Mark held him back for a moment. His tone was serious when he said, "you'll make sure no harm comes to her in the city right?"

Christen returned his friend's serious look, "of course. I wouldn't let anyone or thing hurt her. You have my word on that." Mark nodded. Christen could see the doubt in his eyes but he was pleased Mark trusted him enough to let him spend the day with Max without him there.  

With everything settled they headed to their classes. Christen was thrilled with the idea of having Max all to himself. He knew exactly where he wanted to take her. Now that Mark and her had a date friday night the movie idea and romantic walk was out of the question. He hoped she would enjoy what he had in mind instead.   

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