Chapter Forty

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It seemed as if all the vampires were under the great oak tree as we neared. I tried searching for Charity but couldn't find her anywhere.

"Where's Charity?" I asked Christen. He shrugged.

"I think she said she had a tarot lesson," he said.  

"Ah" I said as Veronica's eyes fell on me. She instantly left her conversation with a vampire named Lenny and came and stood before me. Her Cat green eyes scanned me for injuries.

"Max are you alright?" She hissed.

"I'm fine Veronica," I assured her. All eyes seemed to be on us now, but one gaze in particular sent shivers running down my body. Mark was leaning against the trunk of the tree, his eyes never leaving me.  

"I can't believe that asshole actually got to you," she growled. I tried to concentrate on her rant, but my eyes kept going back to Mark who was slowly making his way towards us. A memmory of last night came to me, it was something Eric had said. "Now you and your mate can live without worrying about me..." Mate, what the hell did he mean?  "And you Christen Adams," Veronica turned her rant onto Chris. "How dare you not come and get me when Max was in trouble." Mark now stood besides me as I turned my attention back to them. 

"There wasn't any time Veronica," Christen growled back. His baby blue eyes were now turning stormy with his growing anger.  

"No time?" she hissed, "there was no time to get me yet you got the Weres!" Christen's hand bawled into fists as he tried to keep his anger under control.

"We needed their help. They are they best trackers here, and there was nothing you coud do anyway," he returned. That seemed to be the last straw for Veronica. Her cat green eyes were now burning emeralds. She let out a deep hiss and almost pounced on him. Christen slid out of the way, crouching low preparing for the fight. Veronica looked as if she was about to attack again when I dashed between the two of them.   

"That's enough!" Fire flooded into my hands, "This is crazy! I am fine, look at me. Everyone did what they had to do. What happened to me was no ones fault." I glared the two of them down as they stayed in their fighting positions. "You guys are friends, you shouldn't let what happened to me get in the way of that." I lowered my flaming hands, willing them to distinguish. "This is probably exactly what Eric wants," I lied, "to cause trouble amongst us." I let that sink into them as they slowly began to stand back up.

I let out a relieved sigh as I noticed both their eyes returned to normal. "Max is right," Veroncia began, "I'm sorry Christen." Christen nodded his agreement. The rest of the vampires around began to visably relax. I glanced at Mark and he smirked at me, showing his approval.  

"Well now that thats done," Vivvey, Veronica's little sister cut in. She made her way through the crowd almost dragging Venn behind her. She let go of his hand and bounced up to me, enveloping me into a tight hug, "I am so glad your okay!"  

I chuckled softly and hugged her back, "Thanks Vivvey." She pulled back and her smile brightened.

"Oh Max! This is my boyfriend Venn, I'm not sure if you guys have met,"she introduced leading me over to where he was standing. Venn chuckled.  

"Yeah we know eachother, " he said, "we have first period together." Vivvey's eyes widened.  

"Oh well good!" she giggled.

"I didn't know you guys were dating," I said. They both smiled and Venn pulled her closer to him wrapping his arms lovingly around her.  

"Yeah for almost a year now," he smiled down at her. My heart warmed at the sight.

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