Chapter Forty-one

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Once in the safety of my dorm I called Nick and Charity, telling them to meet me as soon as they could. They were there almost instantly.

Charity looked out of breath as she and Nick searched the room. She looked over to me with wide eyes and asked, "Maxs whats wrong? has Eric come back?"

I shook my head, "no..its...its nothing like that." Charity huffed and bent over her hands on her knees.

"Oh ok well good," she wheezed, "in that case just let me...catch my breath." Nick went over and sat on my bed exhaling loudly.

I put a hand on Charity's shoulder, "Char you ok?" I asked concerned. She stood back up and nodded.

"Yeah i'm fine. After I got your call I ran straight here. Nick and I ran into eachother at the end of the hall. We both thought Eric had come back," she explained.

"I'm sorry...I didn't meant to frighten you guys," I apologised looking between them.

"Don't worry about it," Charity said sitting down at the edge of her bed.

"Max what happened?" Nick interjected. I told them both what I had found out and by the end of it they both looked a bit sheepish.

"So they didn't tell you who was royal or not?" Nick asked. I shook my head in frusteration and plopped down beside him on my bed.  

"No!" I groaned. Charity and Nick glanced at one another and I eyed them suspciously. "Wait do you two know?"

"Well i'm not sure about everyone," Charity whinced. I let out a hurtfilled breath.  

"You knew and never told me?" I looked between them. Both had on guilty looks, "Why?" I asked.

"Well same reason as they didn't I guess. You were new to the whole magic thing already that I didn't think it was that important yet. Plus I figured you would learn about it soon enough in Cosmo's history class," she explained. Nick stayed silent.  

"Are you two royals?" I asked dismally.

Charity shook her head, "nope not me. I told you my story already."  

I looked over at Nick. "What about you?" I asked.

He sighed and finally looked at me, "not anymore. My family lost our title years ago." My eyes narrowed.

"Why? what happened?" I questioned. His jaw clenched and he looked away again.  

"Thats a long story and one I don't want to get into right now," he said leaving no room for argument.  

"Alright...well who is royal then?" I respected Nick enough to not pry into his life anymore but that didn't mean I was going to drop the subject. They both gave me weary looks.

"Max i'm sure if they wanted you to know they would tell you. You'll find out at some point just let it be. Its not important right now anyway," Charity lectured. Seeing the look on both their faces I sighed. Maybe they were right. I decided to drop it for now. They both looked relieved when I told them.  

A bit afterwards Nick got bored of just hanging out in the room and quickly convinced us to go have a moive night. Blankets in hand we headed to the adjoining movie room. Grabbing some snacks as we passed the kitchen we had a movie-a-thon. The movies ranged from The Little Mermaid to Harry Potter. It turned out to be a really good night. Soon it wasn't just us three anymore. Steve, Charity's boyfriend, joined us, then Slater and Veronica came as well.

"You know I've never understood this movie," Veronica pointed at the screen where Twilight was playing on the screen.

"What about it don't you get?" Steve asked placing his arm over Charity's shoulders.

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