Chapter Seven

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Today was the day. We were driving in Barbra's beat up silver Honda. It was 9:00 in the morning and I was drowsy from lack of sleep. I had tossed in turned all night stressing over how different by life would be now.

I looked in the side mirror of the car and saw trucks and other cars lined up behind us. We were heading to the airport in Denver. The Denver International Airport was the closest major airport from Aurora. Lucky for us it was only about a twenty minuet drive there. I had packed one bag but upon bringing it down stairs my Aunt had just told me to leave it. I didn't know how but Aunt Barbra said that by the time I got to Black Star my stuff would already be there. When I asked how that was even possible she just smiled and told me that magic was a handy thing. I had dropped the subject, my head had enough to sort through already.

Once on the plane everything went by fast. Aunt Barbra gave me the window seat and soon we were off the ground and into the air. Two girls in about their twenties appeared and started talking about seat belts and exits. I didn't pay them any attention though for my mind was on Black Star and all my friends in Colorado. I missed Starry. Barbra reassured me that the bird would be ok but that didn't stop the heartache I felt of not having her around. When I tried to tell her good-bye the little bird tried multiple times to get me to stay. She flew in my faceand even tried to block the car door with her small frame, knowing I wouldn't shut it on her. Aunt Barbra had to sneak up behind her and catch her. She took her back to her nest while I got in the car and shut the door. All the while she shrieked her head off making her babies go crazy. Starry and I had grown up together and now she was just another beloved thing I had to leave behind.

Almost all I saw for about two hours were clouds and clear blue sky. Aunt Barbra had fallen asleep and I couldn't wrap my head around how easy this all was for her. We still had an hour left and I didn't think I could take anymore. At one point on the flight I had got up to use the bathroom when the plane hit an air current. I had unfortunately tumbled into some guy's lap. He was around my age and kind of nerdy looking and thought I had fallen on him on purpose. I had hurried back to my seat forgetting the bathroom. Now he found any excuse he could to walk past and every time he did he would wink and blow a kiss towards me. It made me shudder every time.

For the hundredth time that day I thought about Black Star. It kept coming in my mind over and over again and I couldn't stop it from doing so. I was about to step into a whole other world that I didn't know existed until a few days ago. One I had no idea how to be in.

Somewhere in the middle of the chaos in my head I fell asleep, and I dreamed. I don't remember much about the dream but it seemed like it was a warning about the school Black Star.

I awoke to an annoying voice. It took me a little while for me to realize it was the Piolet informing us that we would be landing any minuet. I was guessing it was about 1:00pm. I yawned and looked over at Barbara; she smiled at me and squeezed my hand. "It'll be fine Max, you're going to like it here I promise." I faked a smile and nodded not wanting her to see the doubt I felt.

We got off the plane and headed outside. The fresh breeze felt like heaven. While walking I noticed the nerdy kid I fell on and hid myself in groups of people so he wouldn't notice me. I kept a close eye on Barbra and as soon as the kid was out of sight I ran over to her. She smiled but didn't ask any questions. I have the feeling she knew exactly what was going on.

Buildings were everywhere taking my breath away. People scurried around to and fro trying to get to their destinations. As we walked we saw red and white trollies. There was so much to see I couldn't just focus on just one thing.

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