Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Nick and I made our way out to the clearing for lunch. I tried to ignore the looks, and whispers as we neared the food line. Rumors of my attack had spread quickly. People were amazed I was still alive, apparently Eric wasn't known to let his prey live. Why he decided to let me was beyond me, but I wasn't about to complain.

Christen and Alexis blocked our way to the line. I resisted my look of disgust and instead with some effort kept my face neutral. They seemed to be in an intense conversation but as soon as she noticed us near she smiled sickeningly sweet. She kissed him suddenly. It was a bit too long and forced. When the kiss finally ended she gave me a smug smirk. 

"We'll finish this conversation later baby," she said stroking a stunned Christen's arm. With another triumphant look at me she went off to rejoin her friends that waited just a few feet away. Christen turned towards Nick and I. Seeing the look of disgust I no longer could hide he started laughing.   

"What?" he asked in amusement. I shook my head as Nick gave me a knowing look.

"I'm going to get some lunch now that the way is finally clear, you coming?" Nick asked. I smiled softly.  

"No I lost my appetite," I teased. Chuckling he left leaving Christen and I alone.  

"And what would cause you to lose your appetite?" Chris asked playfully  

"Oh nothing," I lied and started to walk towards the tree. With a speed only a vampire could have he was in front of me blocking my way. He had on his adorable bad boy smile, and looked me deep in the eyes.  

"Come on, spit it out," he urged. I shook my head again but this time answered.  

"How can you stand her?" I asked. He chuckled and took my hand pulling me after him as we made our way to the nearest bench. When we sat down he finally responded.

"How can I stand her? I can't. That's why we're not actually together much. Honestly Kitten, I'm only with her because she comes in handy." I could feel my jaw fall a bit in surprise. Christen was a bit of a rebel but I didn't peg him for the kind to use a girl.

"You mean you just use her," I voiced my thought. He shrugged in reply.

"We use each other really. She tries to use me to get closer to Mark," He laughed a bit when he saw my eyes widen. "Don't look so surprised Max you know how she feels." I shrugged and let him continue. "Any way my use leans more towards basic needs." His eyes turned mischievous and I had to look away. I could feel my cheeks start to warm as I realized what he meant.

"You mean blood and sex," I stated. Christen nodded once and seemed to search my face for clues on how I felt on the subject. I tried to keep my face as blank as possible but the blush on my cheeks gave away my slight embarrassment. I didn't like to think Christen was capable of using a girl for such things, even if it was Alexis. Especially Alexis, I thought.  

"You shouldn't just be with a girl just because she gives you those things. You should genuinely care for her," I lectured. I looked up into his eyes and saw them turn almost grey with a look I couldn't place.

He gave me a slight smile, "I think you may be right there kitten," he said moving a stray piece of hair out of my face. Christen was now close, his normally light baby blue eyes were now fully grey. If I tilted my head up our lips would meet. Temptation flowed through me, I tilted my head up slightly my breath hitching as his lips neared. They were inches away but it wasn't Chris who I wanted to kiss. My thoughts went to Mark and how his lips felt against mine. At the last minuet I pulled back a bit. Chris noticed the change and looked down at me. I gave him a slight awkward smile and he smirked in return. He was still really close and when it seemed like he was about to say something someone cleared their throat. I moved out of reach instantly and looked towards the girl who stood in front of us. My cheeks blazed with embarrassment. Not believing that even after what he told me about him and Alexis I still almost kissed him. The thing was that if it wasn't for Mark I was sure I would of.   

"Are you Max Lennon?" the girl asked.

I cleared my throat, "Yeah that's me." The girl nodded flitting through some papers. She had a mass of long frizzy brown hair and glasses and I instantly recognized her from my Herb Lore class. If I remembered correctly her name was Jordan. Occasionally she would hang out with her twin sister Meredith. From what I heard the twins were almost complete opposites in personality. Meredith ran with people like Alexis. Where you can catch Jordan around Wyatt and the other werewolves.

"Here you go," she said handing me a piece of paper, "starting Monday you'll now have to switch to Potions. Every Monday and Thursday that is. The rest of the days you will continue your Herb Lore class," Jordan explained. I looked down at the paper which confirmed what she just said. 

Looking back up at her I gave her a confused smile, "um okay thanks, but do you know why my schedule is changing?" Jordan shrugged. The shoulder of the sweater she was wearing fell slightly with the movement.   

"I guess your advanced enough to put the knowledge you learn from Herb Lore to put potions together. I would feel honored if I were you," she suggested. I thanked her once more and the girl went off continuing on with her errands.   

I glanced down again at the paper in my hand and read my new class schedule. "Potions with Raven," I said glancing back at Christen who had stayed suspiciously quiet. His eyes were now back to their normal baby blue and I couldn't help but be thankful. Christen stiffened a bit at the mention of the teachers name. 

"You got Raven?" he asked. I nodded and showed him the paper. He shook his head, "Be careful not to get on her bad side, she's...a bit darker then the rest of the teachers here." My eyebrows furrowed in confusion.   

"What do you mean?" I asked.   

Christen sighed, "it's hard to explain, you'll see what I mean Monday." Not waiting for me to ask more questions he jumped up from the bench and held out his hand to help me up. I took it, "Come on lets join the rest," he said. I followed him towards the tree where everyone was waiting. A new bundle of nerves settling in my stomach.  

"How are you feeling anyway?" he asked glancing over at me.  

I shrugged, "Fine really. My neck is a bit sore is all." Christen sighed and stopped walking.

Turning to me I could see the guilt pooling in his eyes, "Kitten I am so sorry. I should have been there to protect you."

I made him look me in the eyes, "Chris its not your fault. Not in the slightest. I was tricked and I was the one who went alone. You did all you could, don't blame yourself." He sighed again and shook his head.

"I think I will always feel a bit guilty," he admitted.  

I rolled my eyes, "Well you shouldn't."

Chris smiled slightly and softly said, "Lets join the rest Kitten, they are all waiting to see how you are." I nodded and began following him once again.  

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