He charged forward, ripping the sobbing girl from the male's chest. She was flung up through the air and landed ruffly on her feet. Tear stream down her cheeks, "Yoongi!" she screamed out in desperation. Her whole face was a crimson red. Her entire upper body and shoulders wrack with every sob that forces their way out, her chest rising and falling unevenly, as she gasps for breath.

"I-I-I didn't mean to, I didn't ... I swear." (y/n) continued to plead. He squeezes his eyes shut, balling his hands into fists each time she spoke. The raw pain in her voice was too much. He didn't know what to feel - mad at her, or sorry for her. She looked regretful, but what good is it going to do if he was dead. Was this the reason they had to take her here? Is this why she didn't tell us, did she not trust us enough to say it was her time to take a life. If it was, they would have understood. They had all killed many a time, a new feeling of betrayal sunk deep into his skin.

He could no longer hear her begging only a high pitch ring hammering in his ears.

"Go." He said his voice hostile. (y/n) stared deep into his marble eyes. "I said go, I don't want to see your face. Go cool down." Anger dripped off every word, it sent a cold chill down every one back. (y/n) was frozen to the spot s much as she willed her feet to run they would budge. This only made Yoongi madder. "GO!" He screamed belligerently. The veins on his neck pumped hot blood through his tense body.

She ran off.

Yoongi walked up to the bloody mess on the floor that Jungkook and Namjoon were trying to help. He was grotesque. Already his eyes were swollen, and bloody spit drooled from his slack jaws. He was now as revolting as he should be after the beating he had received. With a wrinkled nose, he took a step closer. A trickle of scarlet blood flowed down his head. His body look liked it was damaged almost beyond the point at which recovery was possible. He cursed under his breath the kid must be in hell.

He hears Namjoon tell Jungkook to find (y/n). He was about to protest, but what was the point, his younger friend would go anyway.


Jungkook swiftly ran from the hillside. The confusion was an understatement, (y/n) was crying on some random bloody man's chest, Yoongi was fuming. While he just watched the whole ordeal like a sack of potatoes with Namjoon. This day had gone downhill.

He followed his sense to a small fenced area. He could feel (y/n) in there.

He made no hesitation to enter. He found two mossy graves and a (y/h) haired girl sulking by the bigger one. "Hello," he called out gently. (y/n) looked up from her crouched position, her eyes were still red and puffy from crying, but she had calmed down. He walked closer and sat in front of her. Slowly and carefully, he pulled the girl closer to him - wrapping his arms tightly around her shoulders. His embrace was warm, and his strong arms seemed very protective when wrapped around her frail body. She squeezed him back.

"What happened." He said into the crook of her neck.

" I don't know exactly, but it felt like I just snapped and well..." She trailed off, pulling away from the hug she stood up and slowly walked to the larger grave and perched on it, her fingers traced the old stone.

"Oh." He didn't know how to react. He thought back to what he saw under the tree, a new question came into his mind. "Did you know him?"

"Yeah, I hated him," her reply was blunt, but it got to the point, Jungkook thought about it for a moment she fraised it wrong.

"Don't you mean hate he's still alive" He questioned her.

"No hated,"


"Read the graves,"

Jungkook did as he was told, he when to the smaller newer one. He carefully brushed some fallen leaves and cobwebs of the tomb. He read the engraved mental. It was the same name as (y/n), Jungkook glances upward, his mouth pursed, but slightly open and loose. His eyes fixed with the girl as she looked at something behind his head. She blinked, and refocuses on her friend. "wait..." Jungkook whispered as he tried to bring the puzzle pieces together.

She smiled slightly and nodded.

"The one next to them is my Mothers." She said, redirecting her gaze to the one she was leaning on. His mind was still a surging perplexity. The more he mulls over it, the more his brain became scrambled, always finding more questions than answers. Why was she buried in a graveyard next to her mother, but still in front of him? And most importantly, why were they stood in the grounds of the Chief. Then, after ten long minutes, he finally voiced his confusion.

"How?" He sat up straight and looked at her with borrowed eyes, his expression giving away all of his thoughts.

"It's a long story."

"We have time" He busted in wanting to know the answer. He knew nothing of (y/n)s past, unlike him and the others, she had one. She didn't grow up in the hut training since day one with Shiro like they did.

"Ah well, I lived here in Myrrka, when I was six my mother died"

"Sorry to hear-" (y/n) cut him off before he could finish.

"Don't be, it's not your fault. My father was the Chief. We were close for a while until there were a raid and a big fire. He took in a boy who lost his parents called Hoseok. He was nice, but eventually, my father began to spend more time with it and less with me. I hated being alone, and I was jealous of him. I used to lead this ceremony for my mother every year, but my father wanted him to do it cause the people liked him more. It's silly, but we had a parade each year to commemorate her death. It was the only thing I had to feel close to her. I probably took it out of proportion, but was mad and ran away."

The girl's expression was blank as she told the story. While there was a soft glimmer within her lucid eyes, with an inkling of sadness, betrayed her face.

"A few months ago Shiro said that the Chief's daughter was presumed dead, the thought that they had given up on me, put me in a bit of mood, remember the other week when I didn't come to training till later on." She continued.

"Well, it got me thinking, what if I suffered the same fate as my mother. When she died, it was like the whole world had erased her from there minds. Even my fathers."

"But the parade I thought that was for your-" She cut him off again.

"They just see it as a celebration nothing more nothing less, I didn't want to be completely forgotten even though I chose to be a Nightblade which defeats the point. " She let out a dry chuckle. "When I saw the state of my grave, and I knew I had. I guess I just got so angry. I went for a walk to calm down, but instead, I found him. I was so angry at him, don't even know why, but I lost it. It was weird, it felt like something had clicked inside me, like everything around me was going so slow."

'Strange' Jungkook thought to himself as he listened intently to (y/n). She must have been enraged for that to happen.

"I almost killed him, but I couldn't. I don't know what was stopping me, but I'm glad it did. He's a Nightblade too. I know he is. I could feel him when we fought. But never beforehand. It's like he can hide his presence."

"We'll ask Shiro if he knows why you when fast or why the boy can hide his presence" he pauses for a moment. "Thank you for telling me." He gave the girl a soft smile. "Jungkook" (y/n) whispered, suddenly she looked so small and fragile like a single wrong move, and she would break.


"Please don't tell the others, I don't want them to think I'm a spoilt brat that had a strop because they didn't get what they wanted."

"OK, I promise" He didn't know why she thought they would think that. She had her reason, but he promised anyway. She would have to tell them in her own time. He was pleased he got to find out first. It wasn't what he expected. I guess that made her someone very high up. The chiefs were always held with utmost respected. But she had left that lifestyle behind to live in a small hunt with him and his friends. And he was glad she did.

Thank you for reading, sorry for the lack of updates I had lots of deadlines to complete. Xxxxx

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