Bigger than us

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After a further three days of travelling, they had reached the camp

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After a further three days of travelling, they had reached the camp. The group made way to a wooden gate surrounded by semi-permanent walls a little taller than two men standing on each other's shoulders. The iron gate was fashioned with undoubtedly deadly points across the top.

Several guards stood on either side of the barrier, statue still. With one look at the girl on the leading stallion, they began to open the gate with a painful creak.

They made their way in. The sheer size of the place was undeniable. Hundreds upon hundreds of canvas tents lined the field, draped in coloured silks and signs. There was a tent for everything from sleeping to black ironing.

Soldiers of every ranking laced in and out of each other with jobs and places to be. Hoseok remembered his time in the Orochi forces. He remembered graduating at the highest-ranking, training and going to battle.

A strong wave of nostalgia filled him up as the sound of sharpening swords and chatter reached his ears. It brought him back to the old life he had forgotten so easily. Hoseok was too busy reminiscing about his past to notice they had stopped outside a large red tent. It was in an area roped off, with a sign saying high rankings only.

Inside was a luxury version of the hut.

A small cooking area sat on one side in the corner.

It was a small wooded counter with some crookery pilled up. It looked practically untouched. A rack for weapons lay empty on the wall, and a large fur skin rug covered the wood floor.

On the other end was a massive bed, with silk quilts and various colour cushions and throws. It was fit for the Lord himself.

"Namjoon, I need you to come with me," (y/n) said. Namjoon obliged and followed after her. A weighted breath was collectively released. With the two gone, the uncomfortable atmosphere had retreated.

Hoseok wondered how (y/n) had managed to get herself such a lavish tent for a war camp. Back in the day, his tent was never this extreme. He got most of what was here, but her bed looked a bit comfier and the colours just a little bright.

His thought process was broken, as Jin flopped onto the matres face first, he practically melted into it. "I wonder if the food is nice here? " He said, his voice muffled by the pillows. "I hope it is. I would kill for a proper bowl of-"

His inquiry was cut short. Something flew across the room with enough force to topple a small child. Jungkook threw one of the silk cushions at Jin, it landing perfectly on the back of his head. He jumped up with a slightly shocked expression. The younger boy, who had a very pleased expression on his face, began to hide behind the back of the others.

Yoongi, completely ignoring the scolding going on, started rummaging around in a box by the kitchen area. He dug through bread loaves and dried meat till he pulled out what he wanted. It was a reasonably sized brown glass bottle. Unopened and filled with a crimson red liquid.

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