New girl

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Jimin sat on his knees over a decent-sized vegetable patch

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Jimin sat on his knees over a decent-sized vegetable patch. He towed at the roots of a weed and pulled out the cursed plant, adding it to the pile of its fallen brothers next to him. Opposite the vegetable patch sat the new girl. She was pulling at a weed. A small smile of victory tugged at her lips when it finally came free. (y/n) looked up briefly before going to another plant.

"Can I ask you a question?" She suddenly said.

It caught him by surprise. (y/n) hadn't spoken since they duelled earlier that morning.

"Sure," He replied.

"How did you do that thing where the strike came from everywhere?"

"Oh, that I thought that would catch you out," he said with an airy laugh.

"It did."

"You handle it better than the others do. They usually try to block it and end up getting hit." He didn't have much to go off other than Jin and Taehyung, but whenever he did it, they freaked out and tried to do the impossible task of blocking every strick. They had guessed correct a couple of times but, it was just that. Guesswork. There was a way to do it, but he had kept that a secret. Jimin enjoyed playing with his friends.

His mind travelled from fond memories to (y/n). All he knew was the girls' name. She had sparked a new curiosity in him. She was a skilled swordsman, and it was clear she hadn't learnt how to fight in Hope.

"How old are you?" she asked.

"Nineteen, you?"


"Well, nice to meet you properly and not while trying to stab each other with swords." He said with a smile that seems so, genuinely sweet with just the right touch of shyness and unexpected warmth. " What did Doeksu have to say to you?"

"He said I have a lot to improve on." She returned the smile. Her small hands brushed mud around what looked to be a carrot.

"I could help if you want?" Jimin offered. He wanted to get to know the girl and feed his curiosity. He just felt that something was magnetising about her. Her presence had been on his radar since she arrived in Hope, where it had flicked from strong to weak and back many times.

He wanted to know why.

"I guess you could," she replied, pulling out the carrot and holding it up to the sun. "I thought I'd never say this, but I miss these vegetables. It's been ages since I've had fresh food and not that crappy stuff in the monastery." She muttered to herself, earning a small chuckle from the older


Jimin stood up and brushed the dirt off his clothes. He stretched his hand out. "Come on. We'll finish this later. I want you to show me that tree thing." She hesitantly took his hand, letting it

pull her up.


Two moons later (y/n) sat in the corner of the monastery, her head resting on Jin's shoulder, ignoring the prying eyes of all the monks and students. "I don't get why we have to come back to the monastery just because he's gone for a few days. I've never seen you have to do it when I was stuck in here by myself." (y/n) complained. Her head bobbed up and down as Jin laughed.

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