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A few days had passed and slowly (y/n)s body had started to pull itself together

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A few days had passed and slowly (y/n)s body had started to pull itself together. Shiro had managed to prevent anything from getting worse, but she had to rely on her own body for it to fix.

At night a new routine had already begun to settle. They would eat dinner and clean up. While most of the boys would set up their roll mates, (y/n) would find herself in her little room with whoever was free. Her skin was now mostly free of bandages, minus her back and torso.

Yet, the freshly formed scabs had a downside. It was so itchy. It was beyond the feel of an ant bite or a rash - it was like ten thousand bugs were crawling under her skin, and they never rested. It meant that someone would find themselves on a watch to keep (y/n) from picking at the wounds.

Jimin and (y/n) sat crossed legged in front of each other, a small pot of ointment in between them. Shiro had gone out and found her some cooling cream to help combat the uncomfortableness.  It was a simple task, apply and even coat to her exposed skin. Though it wasn't as easy as it sounded, (y/n) had found herself restless that evening, and the idea of staying still for longer than a minute was horrid. Being confined to the hut and the garden had left her longing to go out into the forest.

After her midnight walk the other day, it had been met with no happy faces. At the rate she was going, it would be moons and moon until she healed. The last time she had to heal, the monastery had been a lot stricter with staying bed bound. This time she didn't want to wait to heal.

Jimin held out his hand, and she placed her arm in his grip. He was quick to apply the medicine over her skin.

"Can we go on a walk?" (y/n) asked.

"You're not meant to move much," Jimin replied as he dipped into the pot apply a fresh layer to the other arm.

"I think I'm going insane," she huffed and fell backwards onto her roll mat.

Jimin sighed through a smile. "Come back, I'm not finished,"

"Only if you go on a walk with me,"

He raised an eyebrow. "No, it's too late at night. Come here. The faster this is done, the quicker you'll get better."

"I can do this my self you know,"

"You're not allowed. You will split your stitches trying to reach,"

(y/n) raised her arms, and he pulled her up as gently as he could. Their faces ending up closer than they expected, but neither was one to back down. There was a moment of stillness as they stared into each other's eyes.

The next second (y/n) had dived to get through the curtain, but Jimin had been expecting this.

He launched his body across the tiny room to capture (y/n) in his arms. He dragged her back and pinned her shoulders flush to the ground. "Stop moving," He grabbed a pillow and threw it on her face, and in a fluid motion, he had pulled her legs over his knees.

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