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Something unusual happened

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Something unusual happened. Everything was normal, then it wasn't. Yoongi's sense picked up all the people, every life form was emitting its usual yellow glow. But one thing was off. In the distance, there was something dark, angry and dangerous. The darkness felt like a strange substance, a body of murderous intent.

It was almost, completely black aside from the odd slither of red intertwining within. The tentacle-like things moved as quick as the wind.

It reminded him of how the sense of other Nightblades moved, but it was much much stronger. It moved to strange normally a nightblades sense felt like it had an epicentre were its strongest, but this didn't. Each part of it was full of energy. It was something new, and Yoongi didn't like it.

"You can feel it too, right?" He asked the other two, dread creeping into his mind. He knew coming to this place was a bad idea. Yoongi's eyes met with the other they gave him a curt nod.

God, this was going to be a long day.

The three men quickly made their way closer and closer to the strange mass of energy. As they got nearer, they felt the second unusual thing. Next to the dark spot, there was a lack of anything. It was like a void. A never-ending gap in the world that consumes all life in that spot. It felt like nothing, just an empty hole. It was getting weirder and weirder by the second. Not to make matters worse, he couldn't sense (y/n) anywhere. She wasn't exactly in his good books at the moment, but that didn't mean he liked it when she was gone. All he wanted was to be home and out of this prettily painted hell hole.

They had walked to the edge of Mryrrka. To where the fields dissolved into the forest. He looked up. The sky was low. Heavy cloud, grey as the rocks from mountains, they gave the open lands a claustrophobic feel.

There were no shadows where cast anywhere, it just looked so dull. Yoongi continued up towards a hill. The wind and the void were feeling stronger still.

It suddenly stopped. Only to be replaced by something Yoongi was very accustomed to. Yoongi wasn't the only one to feel it.

Jungkook sprinted forward, he covered the uneven terrain with a great, unnatural speed. Each one of his mighty strides was worth at least two of his. Jungkook paused when he reached the top, he turns, but too slowly to be considered normal. He tried to force his voice out, but it trailed out slowly like his words are unwilling to take flight. There was a cocktail confusion in his eyes, the brown too deep, too glossy to pick apart what he was thinking. As Yoongi caught up to Jungkook, he saw the reason why he had stopped.

He didn't let his mind think about what he was doing, his body and mouth moved on its own. He ran to the bodies under the tree.

One dressed was in white and the other in a dark navy blue. The one in white was crying silently. It was as if every sound that escaped there mouth was set to the frequency that he couldn't hear. As got the closer the clearer it became. The one in white was the girl he would recognise anywhere, a new wave of confusion flood through. She was almost clean, but the other person was a different story. He was a bloodied mess. It didn't take long for him to understand what had happened. To understand, where the danger had come from. (Y/n) had hurt this man. They had left her for only two hours, and she had done this.

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