Does it glisten, the blood?

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There was a slight turning in the air; the autumn had finally given way to winter, and the frost forming on the ground spread

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There was a slight turning in the air; the autumn had finally given way to winter, and the frost forming on the ground spread. Specks of ice grew over the grass and the tent strings until every exposed surface had a white sheen. The muddy tracks were now solid under (y/n) 's foot as she adjusted her cloak to ward off the chill and quickened her pace, eager to reach her destination.

She had woken unceremoniously early despite her best effort to sleep. But the sun had slipped through a gap in the canvas straight into her eyes. Now, she was making her way to Akira. She had planned to meet Jungkook by the sign board; from there, they would ambush the lord and make a solid plan. (y/n) handt told Jungkookk it was a surprise meeting, but the lord was busy, and it felt like the best way to steal his time.

As promised, Jungkook was leaning against a wooden pole, half awake but present. He had about three fur robes and a pair of brown woollen gloves, clearly feeling the cold that morning, which made her relise she had forgotten her own. As soon as he spotted (y/n), he smiled, the sleepiness magically disappearing as he bounded over. She greeted him kindly, her breath coming out in a cloud of white smoke.

"Chilly morning", Jungkook commented, looking up at the sky. There had been no clouds through the night to insulate the grounds; even now, the sky was a pale blue, the sun low and blinding. (y/n) hummed in agreement, feeling the tip of her nose redden.

Jungkook leaned in closer, his body heat providing a small refuge from the chill. "So, what's the plan for today?" he asked, his tone filled with eagerness.

(y/n) glanced around, making sure no one was within earshot before she began to outline their strategy again, speaking in hushed tones. Akira's quarterer was well guarded, but they all knew her face; it would be an ease to slip into his tent. As she spoke, Jungkook nodded in understanding, his woollen gloves making soft rustling sounds as he gestured and agreed to various aspects of their plan.

As (y/n) and Jungkook hurried through the camp, the early morning activities unfolded around them. The scent of freshly lit fires wafted through the air. The blacksmiths hammered away at their anvils, their rhythmic clangs punctuating the stillness of the morning. Past the meeting tents and the canteen, further into the grounds until they reached a particular spot. Their journey led them deeper into the camp, where the aura of importance grew more palpable. Rows of tents stretched out before them, forming a secure perimeter. It was evident that this was where the key figures of the camp resided. Guards, vigilant and alert, were strategically positioned around the area, serving as a formidable barrier to potential threats.

The most lavish tent was central. Its heavy red canvas seemed to defy the cold morning air, draping from a high centre point in a circle. With a sense of purpose, (y/n) approached the tent's entrance, her every step watched closely by the guards. However, the soldier let her walk through with question, even when she lifted the access to the door.

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