The need to control

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The next day everything continued as if nothing had happened

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The next day everything continued as if nothing had happened.

The air was clear, and the long morning shadows distinct. Everyone got up with the sun and did their morning practices in the pinky glow. Then they headed to the clearing with wooden swords strapped to their backs. Everyone, but (y/n) and Jungkook. She didn't even want to touch a weapon in fear of snapping again.

She watched the boys train in the haze of the morning. Her head rested against a tree trunk, with her legs stretched out in front of her. Her figures drew patterns in the dirt as she listened to Jungkook shout out to his friends, doing his best to still be involved.

She could feel the loose fabric of her robes start to cling to her back in places, and there was a slight sting in her eyes. The boys all seemed so happy with big cheshire grins on their faces. They all looked so beautiful even when sweating; their skin became more polished and glossy. It was a sight for sore eyes. Each smile seemed to break her a little more. She just watched, wishing she could join in without causing anyone any more trouble. She had made herself this family, but her body was cutting it apart quite literally.

She needed to know how to control herself until something worse would happen. She had spent the morning reading over Doeksus book, it told her nothing like she hoped it would, but it did give her an idea. She also still had the unopened letter from Shiro under her pillow. He had mentioned that the people on the island knew much more than anyone over here. It was a possibility that wouldn't leave her head. She needed to find out if they knew how to control her strange ability.

They had all stopped for a lunch break a couple hours in. The boys were chatting aimlessly until (y/n) decided to bring up the thing that was burning her mind up. "I want to go to the Island," She stated boldly, not an ounce of the worry and nervousness she felt showed through. Just like that, the mood dropped.

Namjoon opened his mouth first, though no words left. It looked as if he was chewing his words, trying to find the right ones. "I don't think its the right time to look for an island we have no information on," Namjoon spoke. His brows furrowed deeply. Any sign of his dimpled smile vanished. The air went stale and began to form a tight rope around her neck.

(y/n) grabbed at the rope, but nothing was there. "Do you all think that?"

Nobody answered, but she already knew the answer anyway. She could see it on the way they all avoided her gaze. Suddenly the reality of what she thought was the best option came down.

Her lungs started to cave, pushing all the oxygen out. Not one person was willing to go with her.

"It's just Shiro told me to go and after yesterday, I think it the best thing for me to do. You all know what you're doing, and I'm behind on everything, and I want to know what this thing I keep doing is. Maybe there they can help. Please can you at least think about it," She pushed out as many words as she could in one go.

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