No Now, All future

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The thing Jin found about being the oldest was that he saw everything

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The thing Jin found about being the oldest was that he saw everything. He always had. Jin knew things first before anyone else ever realised. He liked that, analysing how people walked and talked. How they reacted to things, seeing if he could trust them.

It was something he held no one could beat, a compass of morality so strong. He knew when people were right and wrong and whether their goodness outweighed their bad.

But he was having a hard time. The one thing he had missed had spiralled into joining a war. If he saw that (y/n) had wanted to leave so desperately - maybe, things would have worked out differently. Perhaps they would all be on a faraway island, safe.

And right now, he would know what people were feeling. It all seemed muddled up. Even now - as everyone got ready for the day, it felt fractured and disconnected, not their usual rhythm.

Jin watched as Namjoon hurried out the door. He had not uttered a word since he returned from his private meeting. There was no goodnight or good morning. He had gone straight to bed without glancing in their direction.

Then Jimin had disappeared in the early hours, with Taehyung following closely behind. How very odd. It was like this new location was already out to pull them apart. They did everything together, but now they weren't.

Jin had decided to put this down to the change in the environment.

In the short time he had been in the camp, he could already feel how every soldier was waiting on bated breath for some form of bad news. 

The atmosphere must not have been healthy for their cracking friendships. It was so different to how it used to be. It took a week, yet just about everything had changed.

Yet, with the dread, a slither of hope still resided inside his body. Jin wanted to help. If only he could get them all to talk it out, he knew it would all be solved. Even if he had to pin them down one by one and hold a knife to here throats to get them to communicate, he would sort it.

The sound of rain hitting the canvas drew him out of his thoughts. It was there the first day at the camp properly working. He guessed it would be an easy day full of introductions, nothing too strenuous.

But that didn't mean he wanted to be late. He found himself herding the three remaining boys into the rain, accidentally pushing Hoseoek over a pile of sticks outside the door. He managed to grab the scruff of his collar, pulling him up before anything bad happened.

With a guilty smile, he apologised for looking down to see several umbrellas in a pile. He handed them out, and they made their way to the canteen.

It wasn't too hard to find - they just had to follow where all the soldiers were heading.

Jungkook trailed behind, dragging his feet as the group found an empty table. He didn't even notice the extra portion of food on his place served by a flustered girl working in the kitchens. If he didn't look so down, Jin would have laughed at it. The sullen look was enough to turn Jin off his food.

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