What am I without you?

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The rhythmic pattern of rain did not indicate slowing

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The rhythmic pattern of rain did not indicate slowing. As it continued, it began to create a soothing background noise that blended seamlessly with the distant rumble of thunder. The storm painted the night in shades of deep indigo, punctuated by intermittent flashes of lightning. The air carried the unmistakable scent as raindrops mingled with the dirt, releasing an earthy fragrance that danced through the campsite.

Yoongi's silhouette stood out against the night, his profile etched in high contrasting shadows. 

The droplets on his wax paper umbrella gleamed, catching the glow from the nearby lantern. The sound of his breath slightly laboured as he rushed back to (y/n). As he approached, the squelching of wet mud underfoot became more and more pronounced, each step leaving a temporary imprint on the waterlogged ground. The bundle of dry towels and clothes in his arms rustled against his chest as he clung tight.

The tent's entrance fluttered with the rhythm of the wind, and the silhouette of the nightblades emerged, his figure momentarily framed by the entrance as it swayed with the unseen forces outside. Yoongi's dark eyes reflected the waning light of the lamp as it flickered, casting shadows that danced across the tent walls. Upon meeting (y/n)'s gaze, Yoongi's expression softened, her own eyes bloodshot and wide. The frigid air that accompanied him flooded the warmth of the tent. (y/n)'s instinctively pulled the blanket closer as the cool air prickled at her skin.

As Yoongi stepped further into the shelter, droplets cascaded from his clothes, creating delicate splashes as he closed the umbrella. The light, now a subdued glow, revealed the intricate outlines of his face, emphasising the raindrops' trails on his cheeks and the subtle sheen on his damp hair.

Through hazy eyes, (y/n) observed Yoongi's every move with a mixture of fatigue and fascination. Her fear of murderous sea creatures swimming in the bed was quashed. The pile of clothes dropped to the floor in a muted thud. Each article carried the scent of cedar, which felt rather homely as she breathed it in. Yoongi retrieved a towel from the assortment, its fabric unfolding over the bed. The mattress yielded under the deliberate weight of each movement as yoongi crawled over. The tactile sensation of the bed sinking and rising with his movement had (y/n) unconsciously swayed along. He carefully positioned himself behind (y/n), his legs stretching out and knees tucking under her elbow to anchor her in.

He reached for her wet hair, each strand clinging stubbornly to her back. He delicately unravelled her hair from the confines of the blanket and towled it down until it no longer dripped. Yoongi's fingers navigated through the tangles with a quiet determination. Each knot unravelled until (y/n)'s hair lay flat against her back.

He used his palm to flatten the hair, stroking it in a long drag, feeling the remaining dampness seep into his skin. "How are you feeling," He asked, feeling safe enough to develop as his eyes were no longer panicked and his heart was no longer drumming in his chest.

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