Blood and gold

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It was a cold evening when the last sun rays of the day kissed the heathland surrounding the monastery

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It was a cold evening when the last sun rays of the day kissed the heathland surrounding the monastery. The greens and purples melted into grey under the dimming light. It was the time when the warren emptied and the rabbits come out to foliage to play. They move slowly, lolloping in their ungainly way, grazing as they go.

At the slightest noise, they were up on their hind legs. Black eye starring in more directions than possible for the human eye. (y/n) watched them for a while. Just because she wanted to eat them doesn't mean she didn't appreciate nature. She took aim, one throwing knife, one fat rabbit for stew, job done. They scatter after that, and she didn't have the patience to stick around for more. Jin was checking his traps instead. (y/n) prefered the stake-out ritual, and to be honest, knots have never been her thing.

She strode over to him, a slight bounce in her step. "Jin," she shouted to the older male who was unhooking his own rodent.

"What's got you in such a happy mood? I can only assume it's my beautiful face."

She couldn't deny that he was beautiful. His eyes were mesmerizingly deep flecks of gold light from the dying sun performed dances throughout. His face was strong and defined. Features softly glowed, a usual playful smile was etched across his face. His lips perfectly ripe. His strong hands, slightly rough from working, held onto the bag of game.

"Of course it is," her smile dropped as the real reason surfaced in her mind.

"Definitely not the fact that I don't have to watch the weasel beat that kid," she said with sarcasm lacing every word. A sigh escaped her lips. Hyuk had been training the girl brutally. She knew why the Abbot was making him do that. It was working, (Y/N) had never wanted to kill someone more than she did.

A heavy silence settled over them, thicker than the uneasy tension in the atmosphere at the mention of Hyuk. Their troubled eyes glanced unceremoniously around and tried to avoid catching each other glance that passed. She shifted uncomfortably in the spot she stood awkwardly, tracing the outlines of each foot while the tension swirled in the air around the vast space.

" A couple monks have come asking me to do something about." She gave voice, shattering the stale air.

"Let's head back now," Jin announced regarding the uncomfortable topic. (y/n) nodded rabbit in hand. Slowly they trailed back to the monastery from their new hunting privilege.

She could sense the two inside the monastery. Hyuk was attempting to train Heeyoung in some sword techniques. But to the uneducated observer, it probably looked more like he was beating the girl with a stick. Hyuk eyes widened a fraction when he saw (y/n), and Jin walked in, hunt in hand. His shock faded, and he sent them a menacing grin. He ordered the little girl to bloke his strike. She got in an appropriate stance that anyone would praise a child of her age for doing.

(y/n) felt a little shocked to sense hyuk move soo fast. He was going to strike quick.

The cut wasn't surprising for (y/n), but Heeyoung had no chance of blocking it. It was a low cut that hit just below the rib cage. the little girl doubled over in pain, her face close to the grass. "Bloke the strike!" The sour-faced man screamed.

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