The Cloud, the Island and the Sea

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(y/n) woke before the sun the next morning eager and nervous about beginning the next stage of her journey

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(y/n) woke before the sun the next morning eager and nervous about beginning the next stage of her journey.

She drew her blade and went through her morning practice in the small space. She lost herself in the movement, putting all her focus on the cuts she made. Once she had finished slicing the air, the sun had just started to rise. She ate a light breakfast at the inn before leaving the small lodging.

She followed the instructions Shiro left. Arriving at the docks just when the sun had fully revealed itself, casting an orange hue across the town from the east.

(y/n) drank in the beauty for a few moments before she began her search for the boat.

The docks were surprisingly large. According to the letter, the boat was rarely moored in the same place twice. It was going to be a long search. (y/n) looked and looked, her impatience creeping into her positive attitude.

Shiro said that the ships were usually in the port but, there were only two boats to and from the island. It was a possibility that neither of them was in the harbour. In that case, (y/n) would have to wait till one appeared. There was also the possibility that the island didn't even exist - then she had just wasted both time and friendship for nothing.

(y/n) almost missed what she was looking for. It was a small no described boat that didn't attract any attention.

What gave it away was the two men casually lazing around the docks, but (y/n) sensed them. They were very alert. A small spot of calm in the sea of a busy harbour. She could feel the sense coming off them in large tendrils. There were nightblades.

(y/n) didn't have much of a plan, so she just walked right up to them, direct and simple. The two nightblades sensed her in unison and rose, ready to block her way forward. (y/n)s sword was still strapped to her back, hidden from the prying eyes of the public.

She bit her lip and held herself back from reaching for it. She kept walking forward, one step at a time. (y/n) stopped when she was about seven paces away from the pair.

The two nightblades held their ground. Only a short length of the dock was behind them. Beyond that was an endless body of water. Crates and barrels and lobster cages were stacked high around, hiding them from the view of the hustle and bustle of the early morning harbour.

They were wearing the same black robes she wore. Both men held themselves well, their posture straight and relaxed. She set her shoulders. If it came to fighting, it would be a hard one.

(y/n) wasn't quite sure what to say to them as she walked over. It was where Shiro's instructions ended.

(y/n) cut straight to the point, "I need to get to the island."

The two nightblades shared a glance. The one on her left spoke ."No,"


That wasn't what she wanted to hear. It made life that bit more difficult.

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