The Abbots fall

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Jungkook watched Yoongis eyes turn sinister before he ran back through the gates, sword drawn

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Jungkook watched Yoongis eyes turn sinister before he ran back through the gates, sword drawn. It was a matter of moments before he heard the hum of a sword-swinging, and battle cries surfaced. He ignored the familiar sound, instead disciding the sit down by the strangers. He cautiously lowed himself, positioning the girl on his lap.

Their face contorted in distress as they eyes fell on (y/n). A concoction of anger mixed with their blood.

"In the bag on the black horse, there's a medical kit. Would one of you get it...please?" He asked as calm as possible he knew this wasn't the time to panic., "You can use it too. It looks like you all took a beating." Jungkook tried to break the tense atmosphere as best as he could. The shorter boy of the three stumbles across to the steed and rummage around the context of the cloth bag before producing a leather pocket full of herbal remedies, medicine, cloth and bandages.

Jimin handed Jungkook the bag. He thanked him before he used a cloth to clean the visible wounds on his friend. The white cloth didn't don't take long for it to become brownish-red. They had a clearer view of the injuries. Dozens of cuts had been made long her skin, all ranging in size and depth - Jungkooks stomach sunk. Slowly he began to wind the bandages around. He was usually skilled at this - after all, he had staged as an apothecary for most of his life, but he found himself struggling. Maybe it was the fact that he had trying to do it one-handed while the other hand was holding the girl up. Or maybe, he was too scared to hurt her more.

The older of the three strangers seemed to notice this and fell out of his trance. "Jimin,

Taehyung, I need you to go back to our room and find Doeksu weapon stash. I have a feeling we are going to need them."

The two Jungkook guessed were Jimin, and Taehyung got up and ran around the back of the monastery walls. "Do you want a hand?" The broad-shouldered male asked him with a saddened smile.

Jungkook hesitantly accepted the offer and the stranger began to help wined cloth around the girl. He noticed the care and the diligence in his movement. He held himself well despite his body not being in the best condition. Many questions came to mind, but he could only ask one at a time.

"What's your name?"

The older male paused for a moment before carrying on bandaging. "Originally, my name wasnSeokjin, but Deoksu said it wasn't much of a warriors name, so people just call me Jin."

Jungkook repeated his name. He let it roll off his tongue before introducing himself. "I'm Jungkook," an airy chuckle left his lips as a thought came to mind how odd it was to meet another warrior of old. A nightblade. If it was any other situation, he would have found himself bouncing off the walls, excited to meet another of his kind.

"Do you know (y/n) well?" Jin broke his trail of thoughts. Memories flooded in like an overflowing dam. All the time he had shared with her swam to the surface of his brain. From making dens to training and late-night talks about nothing in imparticular. He had missed her desperately, and now he finally had her in his arms.

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