Belly of the beast

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(y/n) had made it just outside her tent. She was in a daze, just moving one foot in front of the other. She was lost in her own world, oblivious to the surroundings, when a firm hand unexpectedly gripped her shoulder and deftly turned her body. There was an assumption that she would resist the movement, but she offered none, allowing herself to be swayed like a marionette. The hand remained steadying her. As she looked up, she was met with the intense gaze of Namjoon. He loomed over her, much closer than she had anticipated, his tall and imposing figure casting a shadow that engulfed her. His body was rigid and tense, his presence imposing, and his stare. His eyes bore into her with a searing intensity, like hot coals that seemed to scorch her very soul.

(y/n) exhaled sharply through her nose, a huff of hot air escaping her lips. She had been mere steps away from finding some semblance of rest, but now another problem stood before her, embodied in Namjoon. The comforting, mellow feeling Jin had left behind swiftly dissipated in the wake of Namjoon's unyielding presence and his strengthing grip.

"What?" She retorted, her voice carrying a harsh edge of the exhaustion and frustration that had engulfed her. The energy required for politeness had evaporated.

Namjoon didn't like the tone; his eye visibly twitched, and his brows furrowed so deeply that they seemed to form a crevasse on his forehead. The air around them grew thick, suffocating (y/n) with an oppressive sense of foreboding. She felt a shiver of unease run down their spine. His command, uttered in a tone that brooked no argument, "You need to come with me," Namjoon declared, the words as unyielding as a judge's gavel striking the bench. Wherever he had just been or whatever he had just done had left him in a horrendous mood. (y/n) was certain of that.

She also did not appreciate being commanded like that. Especially from Namjoon, not after his actions the last time they spoke. He could go elsewhere if he wanted to flip-flop between anger and whatever weird thing he had displayed previously. Her jaw tightened, and a flicker of defiance crossed her eyes as she resisted the urge to snap back.

"I'm going to bed; we can do this later," (y/n) replied, her voice carrying a measured calmness as she attempted to shake off Namjoon's hand. The exhaustion of the day, coupled with the simmering tensions Namjoon just seemed to take with him, had drained her patience. She had no appetite for a drawn-out, pointless argument.

Namjoon, however, was not willing to let her off so quickly. His physical grip had been released, but his hand seemed to linger in the air. "No, you need to tell me what you've done to Jimin to make him so irate." he reiterated, his voice taut with frustration.

"I've not said more than five words to him," (y/n) retorted, her voice tinged with exasperation, but her words did little to appease the storm brewing.

This answer was far from satisfactory in Namjoon's eyes, and his hand descended to her wrist, the grip firm and unrelenting. As he pulled her along, (y/n) attempted to wrench her hand free, her fingers straining to break his hold.

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