A place called hope

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Boredom killed

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Boredom killed. Being cooped up in the open with the awkward atmosphere was so draining. There are only so many games Jungkook could invent through the day to entertain himself. The band of warriors had been travelling a couple of days. Despite the injured newcomer, they had travelled a week's worth of walking in four day's. Maybe it was the desperate need for home. Perhaps the lack of sleep had affected the decision making, and the choice was too always keep

moving instead.

Either way, Jungkook found in of putting. Another thing he noticed was the new divide between the group. Hoseok and Namjoon often walked together have light conversions about nothing. Yoongi walked ahead, departing himself from everyone, especially (y/n), leaving him and the

younger female to walk behind with only each others company.

It wasn't long before the familiar stretch of land came into view. A cohesive sigh of relief past throughout the group. The woodland floor, a million hues of brown, mingled in with some stones, adding their greys to the mosaic beneath their feet. He let his eyes rest on the trees. The vivid life of the forest tingled his sense. They walked down the muddy track toward there home, and his heart rose, he knew every rise and dip in the trail, the familiar earth and it hidden path had never changed under years of footfalls and weathering from every journey and trip he took,

he always found the home in the same way.

As soon as his eyes caught sight at the hut, Jungkook bolted, through the door, he left the four behind to roll their eyes at his childish behaviour. The tension that had kept him up for too many hours, the time had melted into nothing. He laid Limp in his usual spot in the far corner, his body unwound and his brain shut down. Jungkook had absolutely no effort to stay awake.

They all eat like food was going out of style. Crammed it in thick and fast, consuming a meal that had taken no more than ten minutes to prepare and cook. Some meat they had hunted earlier with some herbs from the garden. (y/n) watched as Jungkook disgruntledly ate his portion after being rudely awoken. It was only for more days till she would have to tell Yoongi her past as promised.

(y/n)s hair was a tangled mess. Dirt smeared across her cheek and forehead. With her clothes ripped and caked with dried mud, she felt disgusting. "I'm going to wash I'll see you in a bit," she said, standing up and going into her tiny room to retrieve some clothes to change in.

"Okay, be safe. " Namjoon half-heartedly reply to his focus more on rewrapping Hoseok healing wounds.

"Will do." (y/n) called out as she closed the front door behind her.

(y/n) headed down a small path which led to a stream. Unlike normal streams which are slow-flowing, steady in pace this stream had a different plan. A small river would have been a better descriptor. Many torrents of water travel its path, rapids flicked up against its surface like sparks of fire. Boulders rose out of the water standing, strong and untouched by the current. The hiss of the waterfall drowned her ears. The scent of moss spread across for leagues. She neared the whitewater cascading down a series of rocky outcrops, giving the effect of many waterfalls rather than just one. She watched it flowed on its way down then nonchalantly enter a large shallow pool.

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