Property of a Lord

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Taehyung and (y/n) sunk back to the hut with just enough time to catch an hour of sleep

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Taehyung and (y/n) sunk back to the hut with just enough time to catch an hour of sleep. (y/n) woke to feel sluggish and heavy. Like every morning before, she dragged herself up and got ready for the day.

The group headed up to the clearing in the woods as they would. They would pair up and aimlessly spare. Now and then, someone would make a mistake and lose. They would reshuffle partners and stat all over again. It was simple, but it worked.

"All against all," Jungkook called out.  He enjoyed fighting in a group the most. Slowly everyone agreed. They got into position. On the count of three, they all flew into action.

With just a breath before one of them reached (y/n), her training took over. Her thought blanked as she took to her stance. With her sense expanded, she felt everything come together in her mind. She saw the strikes and knew the responses. She smoothly moved into combat.

They all passed through each other's blows and blocks in perfect-sink. That was until they started to use their tricks. It became progressively harder to keep up with their pace and abilities. The wooden swords blurred around, smashing into trees and limbs, splintering off tiny shards of wood. (Y/n) was getting tired, and it would only be a matter of time till she missed her footing or dropped her guard.

Jungkook began to charge for her, his sword raised and ready to strike, but she was already engaged in combat with Namjoon, which was hard enough as it is. She wouldn't have time to block both attackers. It was impossible. She would have to take the hit.

As she readied herself to take the blow - a sensation struck. It was powerful similar to a drug. With everything in slow-motion, she had time to find a way out of the cut. To her joy, she had clicked. The feeling she longed for had come back. The last time she had felt it was with Taehyung many moons ago.

With a smirk, (y/n) started to fire her own attacks on the boys. Everyone became swamped by her newfound speed and strength. Every cut was sharper and smarter. She still got hit, not hard, but she had known the cuts were coming and knew that taking a small blow would prevent her defence from opening.

She felt her body leap over a low cut. (y/n) let her body fall out of the jump and land with a roll. All eyes trailed to her moving form. Sweat dripped down her forehead. She had one sword and seven targets. Each was ready and waiting. She ran, knocking the group back with an entourage of blows. At this point, she had no control over what her body did. She only knew it would mean she would win.

Somehow Hoseok had managed to grab the hilt of her sword. She couldn't seem to remove his grip, however hard she tried. She had to simply abandon the sword. This startled him, giving a breath of a window to find a new weapon before it was all over.

(Y/n) voluted herself over someone shoulders and ripped something away from someone's waist. The small object would have to do. She continued to fight with the small dagger in a blurry state. She could feel her sense wrap around her surroundings dangerously. At this point, her mind was completely removed from her body.  As she moved, her mind trailed off. Perhaps if she did what Shiro had asked of her, she could find out what this was. Maybe the people on the island knew about how to click and could teach her to use it.

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