Keep Looking

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The two's black robes brushed across dirt ground as they walked in the silence of the forest sweat trickled down their foreheads

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The two's black robes brushed across dirt ground as they walked in the silence of the forest sweat trickled down their foreheads. They refused to speak, scared they would miss a breath or a snap of a twig. They felt the forest craw with life, but they couldn't find the presence they wanted to feel. Yoongi's mind had been running wild since he spent that night with (y/n). He wanted to know what she promised to tell, why she felt the need to keep it hidden from them,

why Jungkook knew before him.

He felt guilty for still wanting to know her past, even though she had gone missing. He knew if he had the chance, he would through away all wanted answer for her to come back, but she had wiped off the face of the earth. He knew that she was more than far away. He knew that if they couldn't find like this, searching on foot for weeks at a time. It would take moons to travel to the other kingdoms, where it would be even harder to find the girl. They were playing an impossible game of his and seek with a ghost. But still, he hoped that they would find her safe and sound,

untouched and perfect.

"Jungkook." He called out. The younger male didn't respond. He just continued to stare at his feet. "Jungkook," Yoongi called again, a little louder and a little more demanding.

" Yes." The boy finally answered. His voice was hollow, and dry Jungkook was tired. It showed in his skin, it was paler, and darkness surrounded his brown eyes. It was like that for all of them. They were all suffering.

"Why did (y/n) run away?" Jungkook's face fell.  He looked hurt by what he said. Like someone had just accused him of the most heinous crime. "She didn't run away. He wouldn't abandon us." Jungkook protest in her innocence. Yoongi let out a sigh and dragged Jungkook to a tree falling in a long-forgotten storm. The seasons had been harsh, stripping away the bark and outer layers yet rendering it all the more beautiful.

It had the appearance of driftwood, twisting in patterns that remind Yoongi of a trip he took to Doveport when he was ten. Shiro brought them to the sea after a long day of going around the markets. He loved the beach, the sand and the waves - it calmed him. In the nine years that had passed, he had never gone back, but he wanted to desperately; even the colour of the moss was kelp-like, making him want to even more.

He brushed his hands along the smooth bark, the tree was soft and damp, yet his fingers came away dry. He tilts his head upward, feeling his hair tumble away from his forehead; the pines were several houses tall, reaching toward the golden rays. Birdsong comes in lulls and bursts, the silence and the singing working together as well as any improvised melody. A new smile paints itself upon his pale face, rose-pink lips semi-illuminated by the dappled light. They both

sat on the log in silents.

" I know she wouldn't, but before Shiro brought her in, why did she run?" He tried his best to sound calm, not wanting the taller boy to see through his slight smile and his facade he had mandated to keep up the whole time of her disappearance. He needed to be calm and level head for the others. If they all ran around like headless chickens, they would never find her.

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