Dragons and Krakens - Part 2 - Euron x Reader

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Euron rushed to the side of the stricken vessel, the sound of a splashing water signalling that something was happening in the small boat that was taking the lady Targaryen over to the Silencer.

Euron couldn't help but laugh out loud as the white haired woman grabbed one of the oars from his men and knocked them into the water. The spluttering, gasping men desperately trying to cling to the side of the small vessel as the dragon began to row away.

"Where do you think that you are going, my lady? You are in the middle of the sea, and I assure you that my ship will cut that small boat in half before you could get much further. And I don't know how much experience that you have with rowing, but I can promise you that you are doing it wrong." Euron called out as he leaned on the side of the ship, watching as the lady stopped in her efforts, and reluctantly waited for the half drowned Silencer crew to drag themselves back up onto the smaller vessel, before snatching the oars back from the disgruntled looking Targaryen.


Euron climbed back onboard the Silencer, his eyes falling on the woman that had wrapped his large coat tightly around herself. The more defiant she was, the more that he had no desire to part with her. The more that she fought against him, the more he wanted her. Not many people tested the lord of the Salt Throne, not many would dare challenge the most feared Ironborn, but as she glared at him, the look of death in her eyes, Euron couldn't help but find himself falling further under her spell.

"I must admit (Y/n) that I have never come across a woman like you. Even Ironborn women do not possess your spirit. Although I must admit that thinking that you could get away from me in that little rowboat was a little foolish. I had heard that you were intelligent, but if that decision is anything to go by, it is the one thing about you that may be wrong." Euron mocked, as his crew threw some furs onto the deck, and (Y/n) dropped herself down onto them.

"Firstly, if I ever feel the need to converse with you during the time that you have me prisoner, you will refer me as Lady Targaryen. Only those I like are allowed to call me by my first name. Secondly, of course you have never met a woman like me before, you have never previously had the honour of meeting a dragon, especially a dragon like me. And finally, if you ever insult my intelligence again, I will take great delight in taking your sword, and gutting you with it." (Y/n) growled, as she stared up at Euron, and pulled his coat from around her shoulders.

"And you can keep your coat. I would rather freeze." (Y/n) continued, as she threw the garment back into Euron's face." Euron gladly placing his coat back on.

"As you wish, my lady. But it is a long way back to Pyke. Do let me know if you change your mind." Euron chuckled, as he signalled for his man to make sail for home.


Euron watched as the dragon shivered, refusing to even use the furs on the deck to stop the cold winds that whipped around the Iron Islands from chilling her to the bone. He was doing his best not to stare, her evil glare every time she caught him, making him feel as though he was a young man trying to summon up the courage to speak to a beautiful girl for the first time, a girl that was making it more than clear that she wanted nothing to do with him.

But as her white hair billowed in the wind, her curls resembling the clouds that currently covered the sun, he knew that it was impossible for him not to watch her. He also couldn't help but notice that his crew too were having a difficult time focusing on the job at hand.

"Keep ya eyes on ya work!" Euron bellowed angrily, as Lordsport began to appear over the horizon. The smoke from the many forges wafting up into the drab afternoon sky.

He would soon be home, back at Castle Pyke. And even though he preferred to be at sea, a man at one with the waves and the winds, Euron had to admit that occasionally it was good to set foot on dry land, and this time he had something to entertain him.

"My lady." Euron said, as he moved down from the helm of the ship to stand in front of (Y/n).

"Have you ever been lucky enough to see the Iron Islands firsthand? A more bleak and desolate area you will struggle to find, but it is my home. And it will be yours for the foreseeable future." Euron cooed, as he offered (Y/n) is hand. The dragon reluctantly taking it as she rose from the deck and look out onto the looming port.

(Y/n) had to admit that she had seen worse. Her youth in the Free Cities had opened her eyes to many things, forced her to see many places that no young woman should, and compared to those this Lordsport had a simple easiness about it.

"Tell me, Kraken. Why are you treating me in such a fashion? I mean, I am your prisoner. A prize that you probably have every intention of selling or gifting to that whore, Cersei Lannister, to do with as she sees fit. Why therefore are you being so kind, so attentive to my needs. So, distracted by me? I have heard that the most feared pirate to sail the oceans from Oldtown to the Jade Sea is no fool, a master manipulator in fact. A man that can tailor himself to whomsoever he is with. Enabling him to charm them, to influence them. Is that what you believe you can do with me? That not showing your true nature, that considering my needs will mean that I am less likely to run you through with your own sword if ever I get the chance? If you think that, then you would be very wrong." (Y/n) told Euron, as she turned her eyes from the port to the man next to her.

"You seem to know a great deal about me, my lady. And you are quite right, I did have every intention of presenting you to the Lannister's. But now, now I believe that I am changing my mind. A prize such as yourself is worth so much more, worth keeping in fact. And if I were to tell the lions that you had perished on your ship, who is there to tell them any different? My crew is mute, and I will ensure that no one between the port and Castle Pyke be allowed to see your true identity. You are mine to keep, mine to do with as I see fit, and I assure you.......(Y/n), that I am more than happy to show you my true nature. More than happy to show you what it is to be taken by a true Ironborn. For you and I will be getting to know one another much, much better." Euron chuckled, as he grabbed (Y/n)'s wrist as she raised her hand to slap his face.

"I did always like a woman that put up a fight. Now, we can do this the easy way, or the hard way. You can either sit in front of me on the saddle of my horse, or I will have you bound by the wrists, and drag you along behind me. The choice is yours. But may I suggest that you decide quickly, as we will be docking any moment." Euron continued, as he spun (Y/n) around, holding her back firmly against his chest. Lordsport getting ever closer.  

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