The Green Woman - Ramsay x Reader

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I make no apologises for writing another Ramsay imagine. 😁❤️ Again, this is something different, so I hope you enjoy.

"What do you mean, we have a poacher in the woods? Who would dare steal from me?" Ramsay growled, staring at the man in front of him.

"We are unsure my Lord, but the men have seen things in the woods; there are markings on the trees, and one of the men has found this." The bannerman said, handing Ramsay a long arrow.

Ramsay had never seen anything like it before; the shaft was crafted from a pale wood, but he could see the glint of what looked like gold inlaid in it, the fletching was made from peacock feathers, and the tip of the arrow looked like some kind of black metal; whatever this person was, they were most certainly no common poacher.

"Whoever this thief is, they are no common criminal." Ramsay said, sitting down in his large wooden chair as he turned the arrow over and over in his fingers, admiring the unique craftmanship.

"Have you spoken to the villagers? What do they have to say for themselves?" Ramsay asked, looking back at the bannerman who had begun to look uncomfortable.

"Yes my lord, that was the first thing we did, if a poacher was going to come from anywhere it was from amongst them; but that is not what they say.......... they say........ well what they say makes no sense my lord."

Ramsay stared at the man, waiting for him to continue.

"They say that the person in the woods is no poacher, they say that it is the spirit of the woods,  something that the elders call Sheela-Na-Gig, my lord ."

Ramsay sighed heavily, he knew that some of the people still believed in the old gods, still believed in spirits and other creatures, but to blame the thefts from his woods on a so called spirit would only incite his anger further.

"How do you know animals have been going missing?" Ramsay asked, growing angrier as not only was someone daring to steal from him, but also that the villagers were now lying about who it was.

"We have found the animals in the village my lord, being shared by the people; they claim that they were a gift from the spirit." The young bannerman informed Ramsay, who finally let his anger get the better of him.

"You will take more men and go down to the village. Anyone found with meat from these animals will be brought before me; if the people continue to claim that this is the work of a spirit, then they will be punished. I want the person that dares steal from me, and I will find out one way or another who it really is." Ramsay yelled, watching as the man scurried from his chamber, to carry out his orders.

It was not long before the bannermen had returned, dragging behind them a number of villagers. As they were brought before Ramsay, he smiled wickedly as the men and woman shook, their hands bound, and their heads lowered.

"These people were all found with meat from the animals, my lord; this one is the butcher." The bannerman told Ramsay, as he kicked the man forward onto his face.

"So, you dare take meat from my woods?" Ramsay growled, scowling at the man on the floor.

"Who is the thief?" Ramsay screamed, leaning down, gripping the poor man's face in his hand.

"We didn't steal it my lord, no one in the village would dare take any game from the woods. The dead animals were left for us by the spirit." The old butcher told Ramsay, who quickly stood up, before kicking the prone man.

"There is no such thing as a spirit of the woods! You will tell me who is stealing from me, or I will flay every last one of you." Ramsay said, glaring at the trembling villagers.

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