Lady of the Seven Hells - Petyr x Reader

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As she walked through the brothel, she made my way to a small table, all eyes turning to look at her. The patrons and the whores could tell that whoever she was she was most definitely not from Kings Landing, and probably not even from the Seven Kingdoms.

"May I help ya milady?" A young woman asked hesitantly, as she came closer to the pale creature that was scrutinising every man and woman present.

"Wine. And don't try and palm me off with any of the cheap stuff, I want Petyr's stock, I know that he keeps some for his best customers." The woman told the girl, who nodded nervous before scurrying off.

"Well hello beautiful." A large man slurred, as he staggered over, spilling the ale from his glass all over the floor.

"And how much would ya be charging, whatever it is, I bet ya worth it." The drunk man chuckled, as he leant onto the table at which she sat, the scent of the stale alcohol on his breath filling her senses.

Suddenly her hand gripped his tightly, the colour and life draining from his face as she dug her fingernails into his flesh.

"I am not meant to take you yet Weslar Trinner; but if you insist on this course of action, I assure you that I will take great delight in delivering your soul to the Lord of the Seven Hells right now." The woman hissed at him, the man's eyes growing wide as the beautiful woman's face changed to an equally beautiful, yet terrifying visage, her yellow soulless eyes more chilling than anything he had ever seen.

"What tha fuck are ya?" The man asked, stumbling backwards as the creature let go of his hand.

"(Y/N)!" A smooth familiarly accented voice called out, as the patrons of the brothel turned their attention to look at the lord.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?" Petyr asked, trying not to sound shocked or surprised at the woman's presence or how she looked. He had never seen the dreaded creature in a human form, and was finding it difficult to think of a time when he had ever seen anything else as stunningly exquisite as the woman that sat before him.

The last time he had seen her was in her own kingdom, in her own breathtaking form; a horned and tailed demon, the consort of the Lord of the Seven Hells and lady of the Forest of the Dead.

Petyr had once travelled to her domain, seeking her counsel. The lady (Y/n) was known for her great knowledge and intellect, as well as her ability to see what others could not. He could remember the smell of death, and the dead bodies that hung like fruit from the towering gnarled dead trees; he wasn't normally one that was easily scared, but as he wadded through the black waters of the grim swamp to the ominous castle that loomed out of the bleak surroundings, he found himself trembling.

As he gently placed his hand on the enormous doors of the great keep, he looked up, the hideous gargoyles snarling and biting at the thin cold air as they looked down at him from their lofty perches.

Before he could knock, the great ingress began to slowly open, Petyr's eyes widening as he saw that no one was there. As he nervously walked through the fort, he wondered how anything that was so dark and menacing could in turn be so beautiful; there was something about the interior that screamed of royalty, something that told him that only one of great importance could be found here, and despite the fear that was gripping him, his curiosity was pushing him on.

As he made it to the great hall, he looked in shock and disbelief at the creature that sat at its centre; there sat atop a great grim throne, surrounded by the souls of those whose bodies hung from the trees in her forest, was a woman, but a woman like nothing he had ever seen before, more exquisite than anything he had ever witnessed. She was taller than any mortal he had seen, and her skin was a deep blue, with flowing black hair and a pair of long horns and a tail which grew elegantly from her body, a crown of fire sitting between her great antlers, and a pair of bright yellow eyes that seemed to burn into his psyche.

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