Obsession - Part 3 - Petyr x Reader

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Especially for TrashMonarch, emwinter22, alwoods8574 and Janqx_. Here is part 3, and I hope that everyone enjoys. 😄

Tyrion was frantic with worry. He had not seen (Y/n) in days, and neither he nor Bronn, nor Sandor could find her anywhere. The details of the attack on the young doe were well known by now. Especially as Joffrey was gloating about it every chance he got.

"She should feel honoured that Trant would even contemplate touching a cheap whore like her. Personally, I can't see what he sees in such a creature as (Y/n). And she deserves everything she gets." Joffrey had scoffed upon hearing about what the Kingsguard had tried to do to his older sister. Laughing at the idea of what had been done.

The little lion had confronted his sister, knowing full well that despite Trant's reputation, the attack on (Y/n) was undertaken at the orders of the queen. But when asked why she had allowed it; Cersei had done nothing more than smile and shrug before walking out of the room.

Tyrion could never understand why his sister hated her oldest child so much yet doted on the others. Joffrey was a sniveling, sadistic coward, who had less brains in his head than (Y/n) had in her little finger. (Y/n) was kind, courteous, loyal and loving, all traits which most mothers would be proud of in a child, but to Cersei, all these characteristics that would make (Y/n) a perfect queen, simply seemed to anger her more.

Tyrion had even gone to see Robert, only to find himself shocked and dismayed that the king didn't even know that his daughter was missing, and was in fact too drunk to care, or have the desire to do anything about it.

A sudden knock at his chamber door brought Tyrion back from his thoughts. He was expecting Bronn or Sandor with news of his niece but was surprised instead to see Jaime poke his head around the door.

"Have you found her yet?" Jaime asked, as he entered the room.

"Not yet. But why do you care? You have no more love for (Y/n) than her mother does." Tyrion scoffed, crossing his arms and glaring at his brother.

Tyrion cared for Jaime. He was the only one in the family that treated him like he was a real man and did not blame him for the death of their mother. But how he seemed to treat (Y/n) was as bad as how everyone else treated him, and Tyrion couldn't understand why Jaime seemed to have such contempt for an innocent young woman.

Jaime took a seat across from Tyrion. He couldn't help but feel guilty for how he had to treat (Y/n), but if he was to keep the peace with Cersei, it was the only thing he could do. He cared for (Y/n) a great deal, and in the past, he had stepped in when Cersei had been drunk and threatened to have (Y/n) killed. He had left gifts in her room in hopes that he could make the young woman's life a little more bearable. But in truth, he knew that he was the only other person to know why their sister hated her oldest child. (Y/n) was the only one of the children that was not the product of the twin's incestuous relationship and was therefore the only one that had a true claim to the Iron Throne. That, and the fact that (Y/n) was not only exquisite in looks but also kind of soul, made the bitter Cersei hate (Y/n) with every fiber of her being.

"No matter what you may think, Tyrion, I do care for our niece. She is the best of all of us, and if I had known what Cersei had planned, I would have stepped in. I..........I have heard a rumour. One of the bannermen saw (Y/n) run from the Keep and head into the city the night of the attack." Jaime began, as Tyrion's anger against him suddenly turned to hope of finding his niece.

"But (Y/n) doesn't know the city. She has never left the Keep." Tyrion mussed as he took a sip of the wine in his glass.

"That is true. (Y/n) knows very little of Kings Landing, but the three men that she has spent most of her life with, certainly do know the city. And know one particular area very well. Tell me, if (Y/n) couldn't find you in the Keep, where would she go, where would she think that you may be?" Jaime asked, a small smile creeping onto his lips as the realisation of (Y/n) possible whereabouts suddenly hit Tyrion.

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