Mockingbird - Part 2 - Petyr x Reader

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Second part of the special request for TrashMonarch. I think that there will definitely have to be part three 😄 but I hope you all enjoy this latest offering 🐦

"Well?" Petyr questioned, coughing angrily as Pycelle seemed to be getting a little too familiar with his new patient.

"The ladies' arm is broken and will need setting. Most of the scratches are really superficial, but the large scar on her chest is quite deep and will need further care. May I enquire as to how the lady received these injuries, my lord? Some of them are quite strange. It looks like she was attacked by............"

"Just take care of your patient, Maestre Pycelle. Do what you need to do, then leave." Petyr barked, having no intention of trying to tell the inquisitive Maestre how the woman in his bed found herself in such a state.

Petyr watched intently as the Maestre undertook his duties, the Master of Coin wishing that the old man would hurry up and finish so that he could be alone with his mockingbird.

Even now, even though he had seen her change right in front of his eyes, Petyr was still struggling to believe what was unfolding. Why had she let him believe for all these years that she was nothing more than a bird, why had she not shown herself before? Why had she stuck with him through everything, when she could have had a different life? Petyr shook his head, as the hundred questions he wanted to ask the woman bounced around inside his mind. There was part of him that was angry with her, the lord feeling that the thing he trusted most in his world had betrayed him by not revealing her true identity, her true form. But the rest of him knew that despite this, she had always stayed loyal to him, and no matter what the truth behind her, she was still his mockingbird and more faithful to him than anything else had ever been in his life.

"My lord. I am finished here." Pycelle called out as he rose from to bed, covering his patients form with the white sheet.

"I will leave you some milk of poppy for her pain, and some ointment for the cut. I will come to see her again in a few days. Until then, try to keep her still, and comfortable." Pycelle advised, noting a strange look in Petyr's eyes. A genuinely concerned look that he had never seen before from the usually impassive Baelish.

"Your lady will be fine. It is nothing that time and rest cannot heal." Pycelle said reassuringly, as Petyr sat on the bed by the woman's side.

"I don't want a word of this mentioned to anyone. This is to be kept between you and I. Do you understand?" Petyr growled, as he pushed a few lose strands of hair from the woman's face.

"Of course, my lord. As you wish." Pycelle replied, Petyr not even looking up as the old man left the room.

"Well, my little mockingbird. You certainly have some explaining to do when you wake." Petry said softly, a small smile pulling at the corners of his lips as she moved a little in her sleep.

"But until then. It is my turn to care for you, as you have cared for me all these years."


Petyr shifted awkwardly in the chair by the fire, pulling his cloak snuggly around his shoulders, the crackle of the burning wood interspersed by the soft breathing of the beautiful woman in his bed. A beautiful woman whose form his eyes hadn't left since he had taken his current position.

As he watched the flicker of the fire light illuminate her face, Petyr couldn't help but feel something deep inside him that he hadn't felt in years, something that, even he himself thought would never happen again. He felt his heart beat. But it wasn't just due to its normal need to do so, it was a beat that could only be caused by one thing, love.

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