Westeros' Most Wanted - Modernish AU - Part 1 - Ramsay x Reader

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This imagine is set in the 1930s and Ramsay is a John Dillingeresque, classic American gangster of that time period. I had a couple of unfavourable comments about "The Flayer" imagine which I won't be continuing due to these comments, so hopefully people enjoy this one more. 😄

The bank manager was out of his office as soon as he saw the woman walk in. She and the rest of her family were the most important account holders that the Kings Landing National Bank had, and there was always a little pomp and ceremony when either she, or her siblings made an appearance.

"Good morning Ms. Lannister, such an honour to see you again." The manager said as he showed the young woman to his office.

"Hilary, some tea for Ms. Lannister please." The man called out to his assistant as he closed the door behind him.

"Now, Ms. Lannister, to what do we owe the pleasure of your visit?"

Inwardly (Y/n) rolled her eyes. Whenever any of her family set foot into the bank, Mr. Hughes, the manager, would fawn all over them. She knew it was all fake, as long as the Lannister family fortune stayed in his vaults, he was happy, and he would do whatever it took to keep it there.

"Well Mr. Hughes, father has asked me to come and transfer some funds so that we can purchase a property that has just come on the market." (Y/n) explained. The manager smiling as he rubbed his hands together like an old miser, knowing that Tywin Lannister never made a bad investment.

As the conversation in the office continued, little did anyone in the bank or outside know, that across the street sat a Model A Ford whose passengers had been watching the bank for some time, waiting for the moment when it would be the best time to strike.

Today was the day that the bank received its weekly cash delivery, and that on top of whatever was already in the vault, meant the haul could prove to be substantial.

In the back seat of the car sat a man, his well-tailored suit concealed under a large black trench coat. His face hidden by an equally black fedora. For one final time he checked his Tommy gun, as wisps of smoke came from the cigarette that hung from his lips, choking the other occupants of the car.

"Boss, the delivery should be here any minute, and I've seen about ten people go into the bank, so it should be pretty quiet." The goon in the driver's seat noted, as the man in the back seat looked at the others in the car, his infamous smirk now on show.

"Good. Now remember the plan. Luton you hit the tellers, Alyn and Skinner you grab the bag man, and Grunt you're with me; we get the manager and force him to open the vault. Ben, you stay outside and keep an eye out for the cops. In and out in four minutes, I want a clean job, nothing messy left behind." Ramsay ordered, as the Bastards Boys readied themselves to hit their latest target.

Ramsay and his gang had already hit five banks in as many months, but today's job would be the biggest. The bastard of Dreadfort had been planning this heist for months; he had thought about every possible outcome, down to the finest detail.

The Lannister family fortune was in that bank, and Ramsay wanted every last cent of it. He wanted the Lannister's to know what it was like to be poor, to wonder where the next meal was coming from; to wonder where the next week's rent was coming from so that they could keep a roof over their heads. He wanted to bring the mighty Lannister family to its knees, and today would be the start of the process.

"Boss, look." Ben said from the driver's seat.

Ramsay looked out onto the damp Kings Landing streets. Streets that up until a short while ago had not been his home, but were now the source of his livelihood, and his life. Originally, he was from the north, but Kings Landing was too much of a draw to stay away. It was the home of some of the richest and most powerful families in the land. And Ramsay wanted to make each one of those families suffer, to bring them to their knees. And now he couldn't help but smile as he watched the nervous delivery man make his way from his truck and up the stairs of the bank.

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