Obsession - Part 1 - Petyr x Reader

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I know that you are all going to roll your eyes and groan that I am giving you another Petyr imagine, but I can't help myself. 😁 I hope that you all enjoy.

Petyr knew he shouldn't. He knew that it would be his downfall, but try as he may to dissuade himself, there was no fighting the fact that he had to have her. He had to have (Y/n) Baratheon.

(Y/n) was the oldest child of Robert and Cersei, but unlike her siblings who took after their Lannister mother, (Y/n) was every inch a Baratheon. She was darker than the other children, with glorious obsidian black hair and perfect piercing blue eyes that showed her every emotion.

Like her father in his prime, (Y/n) was elegant and statuesque, looking every inch a queen in the making. And Petyr was obsessed.

To many she may have still been a child, but (Y/n) had had to grow up quickly in the shadow of her brothers and sister, maturing before her time and becoming quick, intelligent and cunning in the face of her mother's hatred, hatred that only Cersei seemed to know the reason for.

(Y/n) had become an outcast in the family, and even though she was the apple of her father's eye, the fact that Robert was either drunk or in the arms of one of his legion of whores, meant that the young Baratheon had led a life very much like that of her beloved uncle Tyrion's, finding herself treated as little more than a despised bastard that was abused by her mother, and bullied and belittled by her brother Joffrey.

Despite her exquisite beauty, and peerless intellect, (Y/n) had few friends in court, most people scared off by the Queen who had no intention of letting her daughter know any kind of happiness. But try as Cersei might, (Y/n) had found her friends, spending most of her time in the company of her uncle Tyrion, Bronn and Sandor. The Hound in particular seeming to show the younger woman the little known or seen caring side of his nature whenever he was in the presence of the beautiful doe.

And this was where Petyr once again spied his obsession, walking through the gardens with the Hound firmly by her side.

Seeing (Y/n) with any other man always angered Petyr, but a man that may be vying for the hand of (Y/n) made the usually calm Master of Coins blood boil, even though he would never let this weakness be seen by another living soul.

He had made light work of the few young lords that had managed to get past the protective eyes of her three guardians, her uncle as well as the sellsword and Hound always keeping a watchful gaze over the dark beauty. Petyr's threats had sent most suitors scurrying back to whatever small House they came from with their tail tucked firmly between their legs. Others that could appreciate what a true prize (Y/n) was, had proved a little more difficult, yet Petyr had his ways, and sooner or later every suitor, every man that might compete with him for (Y/n)'s hand had eventually disappeared, never to be seen or heard from again.

Petyr's head shot up, the sound of (Y/n) giggling happily, the glorious sound bringing him back from his thoughts. He couldn't help but growl underneath his breath as he watched the usually rough and gruff Sandor, gently place a deep pink rose into (Y/n)'s hair. The large man's big hands gently brushing lose soft tendrils of jet black curls away from (Y/n)'s face.

Petyr gripped onto the wall next to him, his fingers holding so tightly to the ancient stones that his nails began to break, blood dripping from his fingertips. The crimson liquid smearing over the skeletal building blocks of the Red Keep as he continued to watch (Y/n) and the Hound.

How dare that scarred animal touch what was his. How dare the Hound think that he was good enough to be anywhere near his doe. Sandor wasn't good enough, he would never be good enough, and as Petyr watched (Y/n) blushing softly at Sandor's kind gesture, he couldn't help but want to rush out from his hiding place, pulling (Y/n) away from the big man so that he could whisk her off to an ivory tower, where no one but he would be able to be with her. He had already lost one woman he loved, and he was determined that he would never let it happen again.

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