No ones but mine - Viserys x Reader

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I promised a while ago that I would write an imagine where Viserys was his usual self, and finally I think I have found a story that fits. Hope you enjoy.🐲😈

Viserys didn't like being in Pentos. Despite the hospitality that magister Illyrio Mopatis was showing he and his two sisters, all Viserys wanted was the men that Khal Drogo would give him for his youngest sister, and then to leave the Free Cities to journey back to Westeros with his other sister close to his side.

Viserys had been disgusted and angered when Illyrio had informed him that Drogo wanted (Y/n) as his Khaleesi, believing that she was the sister that Viserys was more than happy to sell for an army, a suggestion that Viserys had made more than clear to the magister, was the furthest thing from the truth. And now, despite Drogo's protests, Dany was to become the Dothraki leader's wife in just a matter of days.

Viserys watched as his two sisters walked and talked together, the two enjoying the surroundings, and the warm breezes that were blowing through their hair. As much as Viserys knew that Dany was beautiful, there was just something about (Y/n) that captivated him. She was truly breathtaking, not only in appearance, but also in word and deed, and to Viserys she had been sent by the gods, just for him.

Even though she was younger than her brother, the head of House Targaryen had to admit to himself that without (Y/n) by his side, he and Dany may never have survived all those long years of begging on the streets of the Free Cities.

Like their older brother Rhaegar, (Y/n) was intelligent, kind and charismatic, with a good heart and an aura that had drawn many to her, a fact that had caused Viserys much distress, as she had turned the head of many a man that they had come across, the dragon determining, even from a young age, that (Y/n) would be his queen, and like his father and ancestors before them, he too would marry his sister.

He had grown angry with Dany when she had refused to marry the Khal, stating that it was in fact (Y/n) that he had wanted; but when he had retorted with the comment that he would let her be raped by all forty thousand of Drogo's men and their horses if it meant getting his throne back, Dany knew that he had left out the part about also keeping (Y/n) with him, and from that moment she knew that any further protest would fall on deaf ears.

Dany was well aware of her brother's feelings for (Y/n), even though her older sister seemed to be oblivious to the fact that Viserys was determined to have her, not only by his side, but also in his bed.

"What are you thinking about?" (Y/n) asked, looking at Dany, her older sister shaking her from her thoughts.

"Nothing (Y/n). Really its nothing." Dany replied sadly, as she tried to smile.

"Now Daenerys Targaryen, you know that you have never been able to lie to me. I can always tell when something is bothering you. So just tell me." (Y/n) said, stopping dead in her tracks and taking her sisters face into her hands.

"I don't want to marry Drogo. I don't want to be sold for the price of an army." Dany said sadly, as she turned her gaze from her sister's eyes to the floor.

"I am so sorry, Dany. I know that I was the one that Drogo wanted; I know it should be me that must marry him. To be truthful, I am not sure why Viserys would be forcing you to take my place; but I have a feeling that being with Drogo won't be the worst thing in the world. I know the Dothraki have some very strange customs, and are not like us; but soon you will be a queen, and I know that you will be a great one, and I am also sure that your new people will come to love you a great deal." (Y/n) told Dany, as she kissed her sister gently on the forehead.

"I just wish that I could remain with you to see my prophecy come true." (Y/n) said, Dany's eyes instantly moving from the floor to her sister's face.

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