Tormund and the pretty crow's twin

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Warnings: Language and slight smut.

Tormund watched as the pretty crow spoke over the fire to the woman that he had not been able to take his eyes off since they had been introduced. It had been weeks since she had arrived at the wall, and Tormund had watched with interest as Jon had kissed her gently, before pulling her into an embrace. As she had gone to greet others Tormund walked over to Jon.

"You two would make pretty babies, crow." Tormund said, motioning over to the woman.

Jon laughed. "(Y/n) is my twin sister." He told the large red head.

"So ya ain't fuckin er then?" The question caused Jon to raise an eyebrow.

"We aren't Lannister's Tormund. And my sister is unmarried, so she won't be making babies with anyone." Jon said, a warning stare in his eyes as he saw the look on Tormund's face.

From that moment Tormund had been near her side, he didn't think that he would see anything as pretty as the crow, but here she was, and she put even her brother to shame.

His desire for her had only grown when he saw her fight, she seemed as well trained as Jon, and despite her being a northern lady Tormund believed that she would fit in perfectly with the free folk. Now if only Jon would let him talk to her, Tormund was sure that she would be his.

Jon had taken it upon himself to shield (Y/n) from the eyes of the wildling, ensuring that she was never left alone in his presence. It wasn't that he didn't like Tormund, but his sister was the most important person in his life, he had hated to leave her when he went to the wall, but he knew that Ned and Robb loved her just as much as they loved Sansa and Arya, so he had been hopeful that she would be safe without him. After Ned and Robb had been killed his sister had been kept as a prisoner in Kings landing, only escaping with the help of Tyrion. Jon had not seen her for many moons, and now that he had her back, he promised himself that no one would ever hurt her again.

All Jon's efforts had not stopped the two from exchanging glances though, and although (Y/n) had not been given the chance to get to know the flirty red head she had done all she could to find out about him. Tormund would catch her smiling at him as she spoke to others that surrounded the fires at night, her grey eyes sparkling as he smiled back.

As Jon pulled her into his side to warm her against the freezing weather at the wall, Tormund couldn't help but wish he was the one holding her. He wished he could take her from her brother, carry her to her tent and fuck her all night long; he knew that she would give him strong sons, pretty ones too. He let out a sigh of frustration as once again their eyes met, and her lips parted in a beautiful smile that sent waves of desire through his body.

Tormund excused himself, heading out into the cold night to find drink, enough to hopefully help him forget her face for at least a few moments. He could feel her eyes follow him as he made his way away from the fire, what he wouldn't give to have her naked, writhing in ecstasy underneath him as he pleasured her in every way.

(Y/n) watched as Tormund left, she knew that Jon wanted to protect her, but she wanted to know the large man better. She had spoken to many of the other free folk and had learnt about their ways, especially where love was concerned, and even though she had never had chance to speak to him she felt butterflies in her stomach every time he looked at her. Now may be the only chance that she got to talk to the red head, and she was going to take it.

"Jon, I am going to take my leave now, I feel that it is time for bed." (Y/n) said as she kissed her twin on the cheek.

"Do you want me to accompany you to your tent (Y/n)?" Jon asked as he started to stand up'

"NO!........Sorry, I er, I'll be perfectly fine Jon, you stay here; need I remind you that I can look after myself." (Y/n) said, trying to persuade her brother to stay.

Jon chuckled at her. "Very well (Y/n), I shall see you in the morning."

She made her way into the dark night as she went in the general direction that she had watched Tormund disappear in. She picked up speed as soon as she thought she was deep enough into the night so that she would not be seen by Jon. As she searched around the tents, she finally found the man she was after; his back was to her, but she could see that he was drinking from a large cup, as he looked out into the cold sky.

"Hello." She said quietly as Tormund quickly spun around, his face lighting up as he saw she was on her own.

"Your Tormund, aren't you?" She asked, as she moved closer to where he sat."

"Aye, that I am," He said with a smile.

"And ye are (Y/n) Snow, I know a lot about ya." Tormund said as she moved to sit by him.

He couldn't help but stare, he had never been able to get this close to her before, and now he was, he could see that she was more beautiful than he already thought.

"And I know a lot about you too Tormund Giantsbane." She said with a smile.

A comfortable silence fell over the pair as they sat just looking at one another.

"Is it right that free folk can love whoever they want and don't have to be wed?" (Y/n) asked, breaking the silence.

Tormund took a big gulp of his drink. "Aye that's right, why do ya ask?"

(Y/n) felt an uncharacteristic shyness take over her, no longer feeling able to look into the big man's eyes.

"Well, you see, I was hoping would want to with me........because I like you..........but of course you wouldn't as I'm not free folk......and your Jon's friend......and you don't."

Before she could finish, Tormund crashed his lips to hers, as he pulled her onto his lap. "I've wanted to fuck ya since I first saw ya, you'll make a good free folk (Y/n)." Picking her up in his arms he made his way to her tent.

"Now, lets put babies in the pretty belly of yours." Tormund laughed as she buried herself into his large chest.

Jon would definitely want to kill him in the morning, but for (Y/n) he was willing to take on whatever the pretty crow threw at him.

Game of Thrones ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora