The Imp and the Giant - Part 2 - Tyrion x Reader

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I just had to make this second part extra sweet 😍🤗

Tyrion couldn't help but chuckle at his new little friend as the two made their way from her world, and back into the normal gardens, her mouth and eyes opening wide as she finally saw the true extent of what lay beyond the iron gates. Tyrion tried to answer the multitude of questions that were bombarding him, as the little imp fluttered in front of him, looking up at the giant buildings.

"(Y/n)?" Tyrion finally managed to ask, the tiny creature coming back to rest on his shoulder.

"How long have you been on your own in that garden?" He asked, noticing that the imp's smile had turned a little sad.

"I'm not really on my own, I have the animals and the insects to keep me company; but I can't ever remember seeing another imp, or any other fairy folk. I've always been on my own, always looked after the garden, its always been just me." (Y/n) said sadly, as she leaned against Tyrion's neck.

"You are the first real friend that I have ever had." She said, quickly wiping away the glistening tear that rolled down her cheek.

Tyrion couldn't help but feel empathy for the little imp; for a lot of his life he had felt alone, felt as though he was the only one, but even though he had people now, he could remember the loneliness, and felt happy that (Y/n) thought of him as her friend.

"Cheer up little one, let me take you inside the Keep, and show you what its like in there." Tyrion told her, trying to distract the little woman as they entered the great building.


Bronn couldn't help but stare at his friend as he walked towards him, Tyrion seeming to be talking happily to himself, waving his arms around dramatically as if talking to someone else.

"Are ya feelin alright?" Bronn asked, finally coming up to his small friend.

Suddenly Bronn was alerted when he heard a tiny little squeak, and then something dart as quick as a flash inside Tyrion's jacket.

"What in tha Seven Hells was that?" Bronn asked, furrowing his brows in confusion as Tyrion began to laugh.

"(Y/n) it's alright, this is my friend Bronn." Tyrion said, speaking down into his jacket to the tiny hiding imp.

"B-b-but he is a mountain, and he looks scary; he is definitely going to eat me." (Y/n) told him, clinging to his shirt and refusing to move.

"Didn't I promise you that I wouldn't let anyone eat you? And Bronn may look scary, but believe me he isn't, you'll like him." Tyrion said, urging his tiny friend out from under his clothing.

(Y/n) poked her head out from inside Tyrion's jacket, laughing slightly as Bronn stumbled backwards, unable to believe what he was seeing.

"(Y/n) I would like you to met Bronn; Bronn, I would like you to meet (Y/n) the Imp." Tyrion said, as (Y/n) flew up to in front of Bronn's face.

"Are you going to eat me?" (Y/n) asked, looking at the still dumbfounded Bronn.

"Well even though ya look very tasty, I am sure that ya might be a bit too crunchy fa me." Bronn said eventually, smiling as the little woman flitted off to search the keep.

"How?...... Where?.......What's goin on?" Bronn asked, looking down at Tyrion.

"I must admit that I am still not quite sure myself; but I found her injured and offered to watch over her until she recovers. She's quite a beautiful little creature." Tyrion mussed, as he watched his little imp flit from one object to another.

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