A lion by any other name is still as fierce - Tywin x Reader

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So, this is a start of an imagine that will lead to a request for ImagineWriter_777. This part is Tywin Lannister based; the next will be with Robb x Reader.

Tywin walked into his rooms, the young woman that was staring out of the window not even bothering to turn as he closed the door behind him.

Tywin wasn't surprised by her actions. His men had had to drag her all the way from Lannisport, the bannermen having to bind her when she had taken out three of them just with her bare hands. He knew that she wasn't happy to be there; but Tywin didn't care. This time though he just hoped that he had found the right girl.

He knew that his bastard daughter was somewhere around Casterly Rock, and this young woman was the latest in a long line of females that had been brought before the lord, each of the previous ones proving that they were definitely not a lioness as soon as they had seen the head of House Lannister; but this one, this one was different.

Tywin couldn't explain why he had all of a sudden felt the need to find the girl, but he had reasoned that he was getting older, and as he was not likely to sire  another legitimate heir, he was hoping that this daughter would provide him with a kind of pride that his other children had failed to give him.

"Why am I here?" The young woman growled, as she finally turned to look at the lord.

"You are here because I wish to speak with you." Tywin replied, as he poured himself a glass of wine.

"And why is it that the great Tywin Lannister would wish to speak to someone like me?" She asked, crossing her arms defiantly, as she glared at the older man. Tywin chuckling to himself as it was becoming more and more obvious that the woman in front of him was the one that he had been looking for.

"What is your name, child?" Tywin asked, as he took a seat at the head of his table, taking a sip of his wine as he looked the young woman up and down.

It was true that she looked nothing like his other children. Although he could not argue that the woman was even more beautiful than Cersei, she did not have the golden hair, or green eyes that many other Lannister's had, instead boasting a head of jet black hair that was highlighted by a long white streak on either side of her head. Her eyes were the palest blue that Tywin had ever seen, and although he would never admit it, her stare was chilling him to the bone.

"My name is (Y/n) Hill." She stated, as she continued to stare at Tywin.

"Do you know who your father is?" Tywin asked, furrowing his eyebrows as the young woman began to laugh.

"Why are you asking me all these idiotic questions? If you didn't have an idea of what my name was, and who my father is, then I wouldn't be here. I am the bastard daughter of Tywin Lannister. Is that what you wanted to hear? Now, I ask again. Why am I here?" (Y/n) hissed, as she leaned on the table, looking disdainfully at Tywin, showing no sign of respect or care for whom she was talking to.

"What would you say if I told you that I wanted to get to know you better?" Tywin asked, his blood starting to boil as his daughter almost laughed in his face.

"Oh please. You don't care about me, and you never did. I am an embarrassment to you, one that if nearly as bad as your youngest son. If you had cared, I would not have had to raise myself when my mother passed away, doing whatever I could to stop myself from either dying of hunger, or suffering the shame of ending up in one of the brothels in this cesspit. So, don't try and tell me now that you want a father, daughter reconciliation. That you want me to rush into your arms and tell you how much I love you, that I want us to be family, because that isn't going to happen. Now, I want your idiot men to take me back to Lannisport, I have a job to do there." (Y/n) snarled, as Tywin rose to his feet, finally losing his temper.

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