The Night King and the Snowbird - Part 2 - Night King x Reader

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So, here's a second part to this request for sofyaaasma. I hope you all enjoy. 🥶

Jon let out a sigh of relief as he saw the snowbird emerge from the darkness of the night. Ever since she had left to meet up with the Night King, Jon had been concerned. If there was one person that living needed more than any other, it was her. He and the others knew very little about the enchanted woman, only knowing what they had heard from the ancient myths and legend. But the lord commander could understand why the leader of the Walker army, would desire the lady. She was ethereal, bewitching, and exquisite beyond words. Yet there was a sadness that wrapped itself around her like a lover's arms.

Most of the time she would sit quietly in the background, as Jon and the others would discuss strategy for the battle to come. Speaking only periodically if one of the people around the table required clarification as to the possible tactics of the creature that they were to face. Some of the massed army appeared to fear the benevolent woman as much as the horror of the Night King, but Jon knew that if one thing could save the living, it would be her.

Jon shielded his face as the great bird came to land. A flurry of snow surrounding the creature as its mighty wings ruffled before folding back comfortably. It didn't matter how many times he had seen the woman transform from the bird to her human form, each time he witnessed it, it seemed to be more wonderous than before. Her pale blue and white feathers, transforming to equally pale skin and hair.

"You look concerned, Jon. I told you that you should not worry. The Night King wants his war. He wants to kill me in front of everyone. Otherwise, a victory would not be as sweet." The lady informed him, placing a reassuring hand on Jon's arm.

"Do you think he will win?" Jon asked, as he and (Y/n) looked out over the mass of the living, huddled around their fires.

"The First Men, the Children and I beat him once. And I assure you that I have no intention of allowing him to bring the Long Night to this world. But one thing is for sure. When the sun rises in the morning, and our two armies face one another, one of us will die." (Y/n) replied sadly, as she contemplated how many more lives would be lost before the Night King met his end.

"Now, if you will excuse me, Jon. I must rest. Dawn will soon come, and I must be ready." (Y/n) told him, excusing herself as she made her way back to her room.


(Y/n) lay her head on the pillow. Her eyes fluttering shut as she tried to drown out the world outside. It wasn't that she needed to sleep, in fact she couldn't really recall the last time she had felt the need to slumber. It was more that she wanted to remember what had been. To dream of what life could have been if the Children had not caught them and changed her and Arren that day.

As her eyes closed tightly, (Y/n) could see the past as if it was playing out before her. She had tried not to think about her old life for so long, but after standing before the man she had loved, and in truth still loved, she couldn't help but let her broken soul wander to happier times.

They were part of the First Men. And even though others were cutting down the ancient trees, and killing the Children of the Forest, (Y/n) and Arren had tried to live quietly, away from others. Alone in their small home deep in the heart of the woods. They had not been wed long, the two of them betrothed without knowing one another. But despite this, the pair had quickly fallen in love, the two barely leaving each other's sides.

To many, Arren may have been just another simple man. But to (Y/n), he was the sweetest, kindest, most wonderful man she had ever met. And it didn't matter that he wasn't some great lord or leader of men. What mattered was that he cared for her and gave her everything he possibly could.

(Y/n) could remember how he would chase her though the trees, her happy laughter splitting the silence as she tried to hide. Arren suddenly appearing and pulling her into his arms so that he could kiss her, before picking her up, and taking her to the little stream that ran by their home. The two making love under the dense leafy canopy.

The snowbird wiped away the tears that were now steaming down her cheeks, as images of Arren being bound to the great old weirwood tree across from her, flooded her mind. She could hear her screams as Leaf had pushed the dragonglass dagger into her husband's flesh. Her shouts of horror as she had watched him change from the man she loved, to a creature that was little more than snow and ice. The pain of her own change, nothing compared to watching as she lost her love.

To begin with, (Y/n) had hated the Children for what they had done to her an Arren. She had cursed the gods. Cursed all those that she saw as causing their misfortune. But in the end, she had realised what she was, and that despite her love for him, she knew that she couldn't following the Night King on his path of destruction. That she was the one that had to save the world from the Long Night. And now she would have to do it again. She the only one to know that when the Night King was vanquished, she too would pass.


The Night King sat, looking up at the moon that lit the scene. The leader of the White Walkers, swearing that he could see (Y/n)'s face in the slowly dying celestial orb. It had been millennia since he had seen the snowbird. Millennia since she had betrayed him. And even though he had dreamt of the day that he could reap his revenge on her and the living, as she had stood before him, his frozen heart had once again begun to beat. His desires for vengeance replaced by long lost memories of laughter and love. Of her beautiful smile as he had held her in his arms. Of their sweat soaked bodies that lay intertwined on their simple bed, in their tiny home.

He could remember how he had hated the idea of being wed to a woman that he knew nothing of. But as he had laid eyes on her that first time, he knew that he would love her forever. Knew that he had never seen anything more perfect. Telling her that he even though he couldn't give her everything that others may be able to offer, she would always have his heart.

He could remember watching her pull against her restraints, as he was himself tied to the tree. He could remember her horrified screams as Leaf had pushed the dagger into his chest, how he had watched emotionless as she too had been transformed into her own creature. His soul now dead and frozen.

Suddenly the Night King stood, his angry cry echoing throughout the valley, as he cursed himself. He hated the Children for changing him. For changing his wife. He hated himself for still loving (Y/n). He hated that even after all these moons, the snowbird was the only thing he desired more than bringing the Long Night to the world. But now as the darkness faded, and the first rays of the new day began to peek over the horizon, the Night King steeled himself. Today he would destroy the world, today he would annihilate the living. Today he would have his revenge. Today, one way or another, one of them would die. And that if it was her, he would raise up the snowbird so that she would stand by his side forever. 

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