I Hate You; I Love You - Theon x Reader

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"I hate you Theon Greyjoy, I hate you so much! Don't you dare come near me ever again." (Y/n) screamed, as she rushed from the practice area where she and Theon had been sparring.

Robb and Jon rolled their eyes, arguments between (Y/n) and Theon were nothing new, in fact, they were more or less a daily occurrence; both parties seeming to take great delight in getting as far under the skin of the other as they possibly could, but this time it seemed a little more serious than usual.

"You go speak with (Y/n), and I'll talk to Theon." Robb told Jon, as he walked off in the direction of the practice area.

Jon ran after his sister, catching up with her quickly as she stormed towards her rooms.

"(Y/n) wait." Jon shouted, as he grabbed hold of her arm, spinning her around to find tears were flowing down her cheeks.

Jon was shocked, (Y/n) never cried, especially at anything Theon said; (Y/n) was tough, strong, and resourceful, and normally she had a pretty thick skin, but it was obvious that whatever Theon had said this time, he had touched a nerve.

"(Y/n), what is it? What did the big mouth say this time?" Jon asked, pulling his sister into his arms, and brushing away her tears.

"He said that I was a good-for-nothing bastard, that didn't deserve to live at Winterfell with Ned's real children. He said that I would never amount to anything, and that no descent man would ever want to marry me; he said that I will never be a lady, and that I should just stop fighting it and become the only thing that I am suitable for, a whore in some brothel." (Y/n) told Jon, the anger evident in her voice as the tears continued to roll down her cheeks.

Jon's blood began to boil, how dare Theon say that to his sister. Neither of them had asked to be born the bastard children of Ned Stark, neither of them had asked for this life; and it was an unspoken rule that no one would call the Snow twins bastard. It hurt enough when outsiders did it, even though the two had grown used to it; but for Theon to call (Y/n) that, for Theon to say that his sister was no good, and that she was little more than a whore, made Jon want to confront him.

"(Y/n), go to your rooms, and let me fix this." Jon tried to say as calmly as he could, combing a few stray black hairs back behind her ear.

"There is no fixing this Jon, nothing he can say would ever make up for this. I never want to see Theon Greyjoy again." (Y/n) said, pulling away from her brother, and running off.

Jon stormed over to where Robb was talking to Theon; before Robb could stop him, Jon had Theon pinned up against a wall.

"How dare you say those things to my sister, what has she ever done to you to warrant you telling her things like that? She is the only one that has ever been truly prepared to put up with your bad behaviour; despite how she shouts at you, how she complains at you, she actually really cares about you. And how do you repay her care? You go around boasting about every woman that you've bedded, and you dare call her a whore." Jon growled, staring at a wide eyed Theon.

"He called (Y/n) what?" Robb asked, now becoming as angry as Jon.

Even though Jon and (Y/n) were not his full siblings, they were still his father's children, and they were family, and Robb cared a great deal about his sister.

"He told my sister that she was a good for nothing bastard, that she didn't deserve to be here, that she would never finds a decent husband and that she should stop fighting it, and become the only thing she can be, a whore in a brothel." Jon told a red faced Robb, who was now glaring at Theon.

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