The four of them had been travelling for six days. Fortunately, today was the day they reached Myrrka. Unfortunately, this meant she was almost home. She hates herself for wanting to go back but knew she had to no matter what. (Y/n) was going to find out if she had been well and truly, forgotten.

Being close also meant she had to change from her training clothes into her old bulky dress. Namjoon handed over her bag to change. She strolled for a couple of moments into the woods till she was satisfied no one was around.

(Y/n) peeled off the training wear.

The cold air nipped at her exposed skin, leaving goosebumps all over her body.

She loved the dark grey robes more than she wanted to admit, it allowed her to move freely, to climb trees, to fight. She hadn't see clothes like this before, so she knew they were special, they most likely from where Shiro came. Not that she knew where that was. She put on her white robes she came in, the much stiffer fabric replacing the soft worn-in cotton.

When she returned, all the boys had lost there jet black robes and where dressed in everyday people clothes. They looked so different. So ordinary. It was strange to say the least. The sun had started the climb higher and higher if they wanted to reach Myrrka by the end of the day, they needed to make a move.

The uneven ground moved under their light step, ready and waiting for the next. A trail started to emerge in the distance. A small trodden strip fueled out into a wider path suitable to carry horses and wagons. The flat ground made a nice change to there feet and a much easy walk.The four walked in comfortable silence. There was a need to speak in every minute. It wasn't awkward, it felt natural, (y/n) had fitted into the little group so beautifully, there was hardly a moment of discomfort.

"Namjoon." (y/n) broke the calm, catching the attention of the tall male next to her. He hummed a response to his mind still far away. "How much longer do you think we're going to be?" He let the question sit in his mind for a short while.

"Maybe half an hour, fifteen minutes at a push, "Namjoon replied, his voice gentle. "Why do you need to go to Myrrka?"

"Oh, I need to check something."

To Namjoon she sounded wary, she defiantly was trying to hide something. He thought about pushing it further, but he trusted (y/n) and Shiro. So he would have to wait.

"Any elaboration to that or..." Yet it seems like someone had other plans. He heard Yoongi butt in he had been grumpy and quite snappy the whole journey. A sign escaped his body. The older friend never knew how to hold his tongue.

"I need to find out if I forgotten"

Guess he didn't have to wait. It puzzled him still (y/n) voice was monotone and held a lack of emotion that he couldn't break in too."Why should that matter anymore, you have us. we're not met to exist its best if your people do anyway," Yoongi had raised his voice this time, only slightly and untrained ear would never be able to pick it up, but Namjoon heard it.

He was getting very agitated. His eyes drifted from Yoongi to the timid looking girl beside him.

"Because." it was all the reasoning she could muster. She didn't want them to know who she was. If they knew god know how they would see her - a bratty little rich girl who fell out with her dad and ran away.

The one-word reply seemed to enrage Yoongi evermore, why did he care so much about this.

"why, though?!" his voice had gone quiet. There was something in this voice, a pain behind it. Namjoon continued to watch. He watched Yoongi's eyes. Then he knew. The anger was nothing but a shield for pain, like a cornered soldier randomly throwing out weapons, scared for his life, lonely, desperate. He breathed in really slow. He remembered why Yoongi hated this place. The monk that took him from his parents brought him through this town.It didn't bring good memories. He hated that monk more than he hated this city.

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